Browse by Funder

Number of items: 74.

Liao, Z. , Das, A., Glenn Robb, C., Beveridge, R. and Wynne, K. (2024) Amorphous aggregates with a very wide size distribution play a central role in crystal nucleation. [Data Collection]

Sanz-Cruzado Puig, J. , Droukas, N. and Mccreadie, R. (2024) FAR-Trans: An Investment Dataset for Financial Asset Recommendation. [Data Collection]

Aykanat, T., McLennan, D., Metcalfe, N. and Prokkola, J. (2024) Code from: Early survival in Atlantic salmon is associated with parental genotypes at loci linked to timing of maturation. [Data Collection]

Russell, B. A. and Wynne, K. (2024) A method for rheological measurements of air sensitive samples. [Data Collection]

González-Jiménez, M. , Liao, Z. , Lloyd Williams, E. and Wynne, K. (2023) Lifting Hofmeister’s curse: Impact of cations on diffusion, hydrogen bonding and clustering of water. [Data Collection]

Russell, B., Gonzalez Jimenez, M. , Tukachev, N., Hayes, L.-A., Chowdhury, T., Javornik, U., Mali, G., Tassieri, M. , Farnaby, J. , Senn, H. and Wynne, K. (2023) A second glass transition observed in single-component homogeneous liquids due to intramolecular vitrification. [Data Collection]

Pazmino Betancourth, M. (2023) Microdifuse reflectance spectra from Anopheles gambiae s.l. [Data Collection]

Nowack, T. , Shah, Y. D. , Grant, J. , Escorcia Carranza, I. , Kenney, M. G. , Faccio, D. , Wasige, E. and Cumming, D. (2023) Metasurface Optics with on-axis Polarization Control for Terahertz Sensing Applications. [Data Collection]

González-Jiménez, M. , Barnard, T., Russell, B., Tukachev, N. , Javornik, U., Hayes, L.-A., Farrell, A., Guinane, S., Senn, H. , Smith, A., Wilding, M., Mali, G., Nakano, M., Miyazaki, Y., McMillan, P., Sosso, G. C. and Wynne, K. (2023) Understanding the emergence of the boson peak in molecular glasses. [Data Collection]

Alexander, A. , Salvemini, M., Sreenu, V. B., Hughes, J. , Telleria, E. L., Ratinier, M., Arnaud, F., Volf, P., Brennan, B. , Varjak, M. and Kohl, A. (2022) Characterisation of the antiviral RNA interference response to Toscana virus in sand fly cells. [Data Collection]

Lozano-Hernández, L. A., Cameron, J. , Riggs, C., Reineke, S. and Skabara, P. (2022) A Study on Varying the Number of Fluorene Units in 2, 1, 3-Benzothiadiazole-Containing Oligomers and the Effect on OLED Performance and Stability. [Data Collection]

Kist, C. (2022) The Role of Museums’ Social Media for Supporting Socially Engaged Museum Practices (MAXQDA). [Data Collection]

Lovisetto, M., Braidotti, M. C., Prizia, R., Michel, C., Clamond, D., Bellec, M., Wright, E. M., Marcos, B. and Faccio, D. (2022) Experimental observation of violent relaxation and the formation of out-of-equilibrium quasi-stationary states. [Data Collection]

Riva, F. (2022) Metabolomics data – ESR 3 MANNA. [Data Collection]

Kavwele, C. M., Torney, C. , Morrison, T. , Fulford, S., Masolele, M., Masoy, J. and Hopcraft, G. (2022) Non-local effects of human activity on the spatial distribution of migratory wildlife in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. [Data Collection]

Defienne, H. (2022) Pixel super-resolution with spatially entangled photon pairs. [Data Collection]

Mucha, F. (2022) Co-creative events for engagement with digital cultural heritage collections. [Data Collection]

Liao, Z. and Wynne, K. (2022) A metastable amorphous intermediate is responsible for laser-induced nucleation of glycine. [Data Collection]

Siria, D., Sanou, R., Mitton, J., Mwanga, E., Niang, A., Saré, I., Johnson, P. , Wynne, K. , Murray-Smith, R. , Ferguson, H. , Gonzalez Jimenez, M. , Babayan, S. , Diabaté, A., Okumu, F. and Baldini, F. (2022) Rapid age-grading and species identification of natural mosquitoes for malaria surveillance. [Data Collection]

Scarfone, R. and Wheeler, S. (2022) Analytical and numerical modelling of air trapping during wetting of unsaturated soils. [Data Collection]

Ndagano, B. and Faccio, D. (2022) Quantum microscopy based on Hong-Ou-Mandel interference. [Data Collection]

Gregory, T., Moreau, P.-A. , Toninelli, E. and Padgett, M. (2021) Imaging Through Noise With Quantum Illumination. [Data Collection]

Braidotti, M. C., Prizia, R., Maitland, C., Marino, F., Prain, A., Starshynov, I. , Westerberg, N. , Wright, E. and Faccio, D. (2021) Measurement of Penrose superradiance in a photon superfluid. [Data Collection]

Stellinga, D., Phillips, D. B., Mekhail, S., Selyem, A., Turtaev, S., Čižmár, T. and Padgett, M. (2021) Time of flight 3D imaging through multimode optical fibres. [Data Collection]

Forde, T. , Dennis, T., Aminu, R. O., Harvey, W., Hassim, A., Kiwelu, I., Medvecky, M., Mshanga, D., Van Heerden, H., Vogel, A., Zadoks, R. , MMBAGA, B. T., Lembo, T. and Biek, R. (2021) Population genomics of Bacillus anthracis from an anthrax hyperendemic area reveals transmission processes across spatial scales and unexpected within-host diversity. [Data Collection]

Castellucci, F., Clark, T., Selyem, A., Wang, J. and Franke-Arnold, S. (2021) An atomic compass-detecting 3D magnetic field alignment with vector vortex light. [Data Collection]

Nakamiya, M. and McInnes, C. (2021) Ultra-low cost orbit transfer and orbit control for future libration point missions. [Data Collection]

Scherer, C., Knowles, J., Vattipally, S. , Fredericks, A., Fuss, J., Maringer, K., Fernandez-Sesma, A., Merits, A., Varjak, M. , Kohl, A. and Schnettler, E. (2021) An Aedes aegypti-derived Ago2 knockout cell line to investigate arbovirus infections. [Data Collection]

Willems, C., Cheng, C., Watson, S., Minto, J., Williams, A., Walls, D., Milsch, H., Burnside, N. and Westaway, R. (2021) Mezőberény X-CT imagery. [Data Collection]

Gonzalez Jimenez, M. , Ramakrishnan, G., Tukachev, N., Senn, H. and Wynne, K. (2021) Low-frequency vibrational modes in G-quadruplexes reveal the mechanical properties of nucleic acids. [Data Collection]

Defienne, H. , Zhao, J., Charbon, E. and Faccio, D. (2021) Full-field quantum imaging with a single-photon avalanche diode camera. [Data Collection]

Schultz, V. , Cumberworth, S., Gu, N., Johnson, N., Donald, C. , McCanney, G., Barrie, J., Da Silva Filipe, A. , Linington, C. , Willison, H. , Edgar, J., Barnett, S. and Kohl, A. (2020) Zika virus infection leads to demyelination and axonal injury in mature CNS cultures. [Data Collection]

Jacobs, A. and Elmer, K. (2020) Alternative splicing and gene expression play contrasting roles in the parallel phenotypic evolution of a salmonid fish. [Data Collection]

Scarfone, R. and Wheeler, S. (2020) A hysteretic hydraulic constitutive model for unsaturated soils and application to capillary barrier systems. [Data Collection]

Cameron, J. , Keruckiene, R., Guzauskas, M., Lapeinyte, L., Simokaitiene, J., Volyniuk, D., Skabara, P. , Sini, G. and Grazulevicius, J. (2020) An experimental and theoretical study of exciplex-forming compounds containing trifluorobiphenyl and 3,6-di-tert-butylcarbazole units and their performances in OLEDs. [Data Collection]

Kabalika, Z., Morrison, T. , McGill, R. , Munishi, L. K., Ekwem, D., Mahene, W. L., Lobora, A. L., Newton, J. , Morales, J., Haydon, D. and Hopcraft, G. (2020) Tracking animal movements using biomarkers from tail hairs: A novel approach for animal geolocating from sulfur isoscapes. [Data Collection]

Aminu, R., Lembo, T. , Zadoks, R. , Biek, R. , Lewis, S., Kiwelu, I., Mmbaga, B., Mshanga, D., Shirima, G., Denwood, M. and Forde, T. (2020) Practical and effective diagnosis of animal anthrax in endemic low-resource settings. [Data Collection]

Ali, S., Bryce, J. , Haghpanahan, H., Lewsey, J. D., Tan, L. E., Atapattu, N., Birkebaek, N. H., Blankenstein, O., Neumann, U., Balsamo, A., Ortolano, R., Bonfig, W., Claahsen-van der Grinten, H. L., Cools, M., Correa Costa, E., Darendeliler, F., Poyrazoglu, S., Elsedfy, H., Finken, M. J.J., Fluck, C. E., Gevers, E., Korbonits, M., Guaragna-Filho, G., Guran, T., Guven, A., Hannema, S. E., Higham, C., Hughes, I. A., Tadokoro-Cuccaro, R., Thankamony, A., Iotova, V., Krone, N. P., Krone, R., Lichiardopol, C., Luczay, A., Mendonca, B. B., Bachega, T. A.S.S., Miranda, M. C., Milenkovic, T., Mohnike, K., Nordenstrom, A., Einaudi, S., van der Kamp, H., Vieites, A., de Vries, L., Ross, R. J. M. and Ahmed, S. F. (2020) Real World Estimates Of Adrenal Insufficiency Related Adverse Events In Children With Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. [Data Collection]

Varjak, M. , Rommel, G., Schnettler, E. and Kohl, A. (2020) aBravo is a novel Aedes aegypti antiviral protein that interacts with, but acts independently of, the exogenous siRNA pathway effector Dicer 2. [Data Collection]

Lane, P. D., Reichenbach, J., Farrell, A., Ramakers, L. A., Adamczyk, K., Hunt, N. T. and Wynne, K. (2020) Experimental observation of nanophase segregation of aqueous salt solutions around the predicted liquid-liquid transition in water. [Data Collection]

Alexander, A., Confort, M.-P., Desloire, S., Dunlop, J., Kuchi, S., Vattipally, S. , Mair, D., Wilkie, G., Da Silva Felipe, A., Brennan, B. , Ratinier, M., Arnaud, F. and Kohl, A. (2020) Development of a reverse genetics system for Toscana virus (lineage A). [Data Collection]

Walton, F. , Bolling, J., Farrell, A., MacEwen, J., Syme, C. , Gonzalez Jimenez, M. , Senn, H. , Wilson, C. , Cinque, G. and Wynne, K. (2020) Polyamorphism mirrors polymorphism in the liquid–liquid transition of a molecular liquid. [Data Collection]

Biryukova, V. (2020) Trimming of Silicon-on-Insulator Ring-resonators via Localized Laser Annealing. [Data Collection] (Unpublished)

Montcoudiol, N. and Burnside, N. (2020) H2020 SHEER project (2015-18). [Data Collection]

Paul, D. , Gallacher, K. , Rew, S., Ortolani, M., Ciano, C., Baldassarre, L., Virgillio, M., Scalari, G., Faist, J., Di Gaspare, L., De Seta, M., Capellini, G., Grange, T. and Birner, S. (2020) Design and simulation of losses in Ge/SiGe terahertz quantum cascade laser waveguides. [Data Collection]

Williamson, J., Quek, M., Popescu, I., Ramsay, A. and Murray-Smith, R. (2020) Efficient human-machine control with asymmetric marginal reliability input devices. [Data Collection]

Defienne, H., Ndagano, B. , Lyons, A. and Faccio, D. (2020) Polarisation entanglement-enabled quantum holography. [Data Collection]

Scarfone, R., Lloret Cabot, M. and Wheeler, S. (2019) Numerical Modelling of Water Breakthrough in Coarse Soils Initially at Very Low Degree of Saturation. [Data Collection]

Torney, C., Lloyd-Jones, D. J., Chevallier, M., Moyer, D. C., Maliti, H. T., Mwita, M., Kohi, E. M. and Hopcraft, G. (2019) A comparison of deep learning and citizen science techniques for counting wildlife in aerial survey images. [Data Collection]

Simoes, P. , Reid, H. , Milligan, R. and Fletcher, L. (2018) Skylab NRL SO82B calibrated data of the flare SOL1973-09-07 and plage observed on 1973-09-11. [Data Collection]

Jacobs, A., Carruthers, M., Eckmann, R., Yohannes, E., Adams, C. , Behrmann-Godel, J. and Elmer, K. (2018) Rapid niche expansion by selection on functional genomic variation after ecosystem recovery. [Data Collection]

Klimash, A. , Pander, P., Klooster, W. T., Coles, S. J., Data, P., Dias, F. B. and Skabara, P. (2018) Intermolecular Interactions in Molecular Crystals and Their Effect on Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence of Helicene-Based Emitters. [Data Collection]

Toninelli, E., Moreau, P.-A., Gregory, T., Mihalyi, A., Radwell, N., Edgar, M. and Padgett, M. (2018) Resolution-enhanced full-field imaging by centroid estimation of biphotons. [Data Collection]

McVitie, S. , Hughes, S., Fallon, K., McFadzean, S., McGrouther, D. , Krajnak, M., Legrand, W., Maccariello, D., Collin, S., Reyren, N., Cros, V., Fert, A., Zeissler, K. and Marrows, C. H. (2018) A transmission electron microscope study of Néel skyrmion magnetic textures in multilayer thin film systems with large interfacial chiral interaction. [Data Collection]

Mccreadie, R. (2018) Regional Sentiment Bias in Social Media Reporting During Crises. [Data Collection]

Monteverde, T., Neilson, L., Zanivan, S. R. and Murphy, D. (2018) Colorectal tumors require NUAK1 for protection from oxidative stress. [Data Collection]

Port, J., Muthalagu, N., Hedley, A. and Murphy, D. (2018) Comparison of the transcriptomic impact of NRF2 depletion with that of NUAK1 depletion in SW480 colorectal cancer cells. [Data Collection]

Port, J., Hedley, A. and Murphy, D. (2018) E-MTAB-6265 - Transcription profiling by RNA-seq of murine colon tumours after in situ depletion of Nuak1. [Data Collection]

Torney, C. J., Hopcraft, J. G. C., Morrison, T. A., Couzin, I. D. and Levin, S. A. (2018) From single steps to mass migration: The problem of scale in the movement ecology of the Serengeti wildebeest. [Data Collection]

Muthalagu, N., Kalna, G., Hedley, A. and Murphy, D. (2018) RNA-SEQ analysis of human U2OS cells with/without depletion of NUAK1 by shRNA. [Data Collection]

Baruah, G., McCreadie, R. and Lin, J. (2017) A Comparison of Nuggets and Clusters for Evaluating Timeline Summaries. [Data Collection]

Toninelli, E., Edgar, M., Moreau, P.-A., Gibson, G., Hammond, G. and Padgett, M. (2017) Sub-shot-noise shadow sensing with quantum correlations. [Data Collection] (Unpublished)

Sim Smith, K., Mccreadie, R. , Macdonald, C. and Ounis, I. (2017) Analyzing Disproportionate Reaction via Comparative Multilingual Targeted Sentiment in Twitter. [Data Collection]

Georgiev, V. , Mirza, M. M. A. , Dochioiu, A.-I., Lema, F.-A., Amoroso, S., Towie, E., Riddet, C., MacLaren, D. , Asenov, A. and Paul, D. (2017) Experimental and simulation study of 1D silicon nanowire transistors using heavily doped channels. [Data Collection]

Aderhold, A., Husmeier, D. and Grzegorczyk, M. (2016) Approximate Bayesian inference in semi-mechanistic models. [Data Collection]

Moreau, P.-A., Toninelli, E., MORRIS, P., Aspden, R., Gregory, T., Spalding, G., Boyd, R. and Padgett, M. (2016) Resolution limits of quantum ghost imaging. [Data Collection]

Wang, J. , Simoes, P. , Fletcher, L., Thalmann, J. K., Hudson, H. S. and Hannah, I. (2016) Arcade implosion caused by a filament eruption in a flare. [Data Collection]

Aderhold, A., Husmeier, D. and Grzegorczyk, M. (2016) Hierarchical Bayesian Regression (HBR) and Analytic Gradient Calculation (GCGP). [Data Collection]

Porwol, L., Henson, A., Kitson, P. J., Long, D.-L. and Cronin, L. (2016) On the fly multi-modal observation of ligand synthesis and complexation of Cu complexes in flow with ‘benchtop’ NMR and mass spectrometry. [Data Collection]

Zang, H., Surman, A., Long, D., Cronin, L. and Miras, H. N. (2016) Exploiting the equilibrium dynamics in the self-assembly of inorganic macrocycles based upon polyoxothiometalate building blocks. [Data Collection]

Sun, L. and Aragon-Camarasa, G. (2016) CloPeMa Clothes. [Data Collection]

Stewart, R., Trinder, P. and Maier, P. (2015) Transparent fault tolerance for scalable functional computation. [Data Collection]

Chimeh, M., Cockshott, P., OEHLER, S., Tousimogarad, A. and Xu, T. (2015) Compiling vector pascal to the Xeon Phi. [Data Collection]

Behrends, R., Hammond, K., Janjic, V., Konovalov, A., Linton, S., Loidl, H.-W., Maier, P. and Trinder, P. (2015) HPC-GAP: Engineering a 21st century high-performance computer algebra system. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Tue Oct 22 07:45:36 2024 BST.