Browse by Funder

Number of items: 58.

Baldini, F. , Bilgo, E. and Lamy, L. (2024) Entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium pingshaense increases susceptibility to insecticides in highly resistant malaria mosquitoes Anopheles coluzzii. [Data Collection]

Prasad, R. R. R., Boyadjieva, S., Zhou, G., Tan, J., Firth, F., Ling, S., Huang, Z., Cliffe, M., Foster, J. and Forgan, R. (2024) Modulated Self-Assembly of Catalytically Active Metal-Organic Nanosheets Containing Zr6 Clusters and Dicarboxylate Ligands. [Data Collection]

Higham, C. and Johnson, S. (2023) Efficient Bayesian Deep Inversion for Depth Prediction. [Data Collection]

López-Cervantes, V. B., Bara, D. , Yañez-Aulestia, A., Martínez-Ahumada, A., López-Olvera, A., Amador-Sánchez, Y. A., Solis-Ibarra, D., Sánchez-Gonzalez, E., Ibarra, I. A. and Forgan, R. (2023) Modulated Self-Assembly of three Flexible Cr(III) PCPs for SO2 Adsorption and Detection. [Data Collection]

Lemonidis, K. (2022) Raw infrared intensities of quantified bands and raw fluorescence values recorded. [Data Collection]

Yambangyang, P., Wilson, R., Reboud, J. , Cooper, J. and Demcenko, A. (2022) Ultrasonic Evaluation of Ageing Kinetics in Amorphous Polymer. [Data Collection]

Demir Duman, F., Monaco, A., Foulkes, R., Becer, C. R. and Forgan, R. (2022) Glycopolymer-Functionalised MOF-808 Nanoparticles as a Cancer-Targeted Dual Drug Delivery System for Carboplatin and Floxuridine. [Data Collection]

Thom, A. , Madden, D. G., Bueno-Perez, R., Al Shakhs, A. N., Lennon, C., Marshall, R., Walshe, C., Wilson, C. , Murray, C. A., Thomson, S. P., Turner, G. F., Bara, D. , Moggach, S. A., Fairen-Jimenez, D. and Forgan, R. (2022) Modulated Self-Assembly of an Interpenetrated MIL-53 Sc Metal-Organic Framework with Excellent Volumetric H2 Storage and Working Capacity. [Data Collection]

Xu, G., Guo, Y., Reboud, J. , Yang, H., Gu, H., Fan, C., Qiang, X. and Cooper, J. (2022) Programmable Design of Isothermal Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Assays through Abstraction-based Models. [Data Collection]

Dennis, T., Mable, B. , Brunelle, B., Devault, A., Carter, R., Ling, C., MMBAGA, B. T., Halliday, J. , Oravcova, K. and Forde, T. (2022) Target-enrichment sequencing yields valuable genomic data for difficult-to-culture bacteria of public health importance. [Data Collection]

Trienekens, S., Faust, C. , Besigye, F., Pickering, L. , Tukahebwa, E., Seeley, J. and Lamberton, P. (2022) Variation in water contact behaviour and risk of Schistosoma mansoni (re)infection among Ugandan school-aged children in an area with persistent high endemicity. [Data Collection]

Gregory, T., Moreau, P.-A. , Toninelli, E. and Padgett, M. (2021) Imaging Through Noise With Quantum Illumination. [Data Collection]

Francoeur, R., Atuhaire, A., Moses, A., Adriko, M., Ajambo, D., Nankasi, A., Babayan, S. and Lamberton, P. (2021) Anonymised raw Schistosoma mansoni and host ABO blood group data for: Francoeur et al. ABO blood group do not predict Schistosoma mansoni infection profiles in highly endemic villages of Uganda. [Data Collection]

Bara, D. , Meekel, E., Pakamore, I., Wilson, C., Ling, S. and Forgan, R. (2021) Exploring and Expanding the Fe-Terephthalate Metal-Organic Framework Phase Space by Coordination and Oxidation Modulation. [Data Collection]

Khalid, A., Demcenko, A. and Cooper, J. (2021) Holographic Detection of Nanoparticles using Acoustically Actuated Nanolenses (Updated 2021). [Data Collection]

Markopoulou, P., Panagiotou, N. , Li, A., Bueno-Perez, R., Madden, D., Buchanan, S., Fairen-Jimenez, D., Shiels, P. and Forgan, R. (2020) Identifying Differing Intracellular Cargo Release Mechanisms by Monitoring in vitro Drug Delivery from MOFs in Real Time. [Data Collection] (Unpublished)

Zhang, e. and Gibson, G. (2020) Dual-band single-pixel telescope. [Data Collection] (Unpublished)

Trienekens, S., Faust, C. , Meginnis, K., Pickering, L. , Ericsson, O., Nankasi, A., Moses, A., Tukahebwa, E. and Lamberton, P. (2020) Impacts of host gender on Schistosoma mansoni risk in rural Uganda—A mixed methods approach. [Data Collection]

Abanades Lazaro, I., Wells, C. and Forgan, R. (2020) Experimental data to accompany project: Multivariate Modulation of the Zr MOF UiO-66 for Defect-Controlled Combination Anticancer Drug Delivery. [Data Collection]

Jensen, B. , Cutiongco, M., Reynolds, P. and Gadegaard, N. (2020) Predicting gene expression using morphological cell responses to nanotopography. [Data Collection]

Taylor, G., Morozov, D. , Gemmell, N. R., Erotokritou, K., Miki, S., Terai, H. and Hadfield, R. (2020) Photon counting LIDAR at 2.3µm wavelength with superconducting nanowires. [Data Collection]

Faust, C. , Crotti, M., Moses, A., Ogutto, D., Wamboko, A., Adriko, M., Adekanle, E., Kabatereine, N., Tukahebwa, E., Norton, A., Gower, C., Webster, J. and Lamberton, P. (2019) Two-year longitudinal survey reveals high genetic diversity of Schistosoma mansoni with adult worms surviving praziquantel treatment at the start of mass drug administration in Uganda. [Data Collection]

Demcenko, A. and Cooper, J. (2019) Dispersion of guided waves in a fluid-solid bilayer. [Data Collection]

Hadfield, R. , Thayne, I., Morozov, D. , Heath, R., Banerjee, A., Nasti, U. and Hemakumara, D. (2019) Optical properties of refractory metal based thin films. [Data Collection]

Khalid, A., Demcenko, A. and Cooper, J. (2019) Holographic Detection of Nanoparticles using Acoustically Actuated Nanolenses. [Data Collection]

Demcenko, A. , Mazilu, M. and Cooper, J. (2019) Nonlinear wave interactions in hyperelastic medium. [Data Collection]

Prabhakar, S., Shields, T., Dada, A. , Ebrahim, M., Taylor, G., Morozov, D. , Erotokritou, K., Miki, S., Yabuno, M., Terai, H., Gawith, C., Kues, M., Caspani, L., Hadfield, R. and Clerici, M. (2019) Two-photon Quantum Interference and Entanglement at 2.1 μm. [Data Collection]

AL-HAFIDH, M., Glidle, A., Wilson, R., Kelly, A. , Reboud, J. and Cooper, J. (2019) Multi-Reflection Polarimetry in Microfluidics. [Data Collection]

Marasco, V., Boner, W. , Griffiths, K., Heidinger, B. and Monaghan, P. (2019) Intergenerational effects on offspring telomere length; interactions among maternal age, stress exposure and offspring sex. [Data Collection]

Orchin, G., De Fazio, D., Di Bernardo, A., Hamer, M., Yoon, D., Cadore, A. R., Goykhman, I., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Robinson, J. W. A., Gorbachev, R. V., Ferrari, A. C. and Hadfield, H. (2019) Niobium diselenide superconducting photodetectors. [Data Collection]

Bara, D., Wilson, C. , Mörtel, M., Khusniyarov, M. M., Ling, S., Slater, B., Sproules, S. and Forgan, R. (2019) Kinetic Control of Interpenetration in Fe-Biphenyl-4,4′-Dicarboxylate Metal-Organic Frameworks by Coordination and Oxidation Modulation. [Data Collection]

Ozimek, P., Hristozova, N., Balog, L. and Siebert, J. (2019) A Space-Variant Visual Pathway Model for Data Efficient Deep Learning. [Data Collection]

Reboud, J. , Xu, G. , Garrett, A. , Adriko, M. , Yang, Z. , Tukahebwa, E., Rowel, C. and Cooper, J. (2019) Paper-based Microfluidics for DNA Diagnostics of Malaria in Low Resource Under Served Rural Communities. [Data Collection]

Erotokritou, K., Heath, R., Taylor, G., Tian, C., Banerjee, A., Casaburi, A., Natarajan, C. M., Miki, S., Terai, H. and Hadfield, R. (2018) Nano-optical photoresponse mapping of superconducting nanowires with enhanced near infrared absorption. [Data Collection]

Mnatsakanyan, H., Sabater i Serra, R., Rico, P. and Salmeron-Sanchez, M. (2018) Zinc uptake promotes myoblast differentiation via Zip7 transporter and activation of Akt signalling transduction pathway. [Data Collection]

Toninelli, E., Stellinga, D., Sephton, B., Forbes, A. and Padgett, M. (2018) Single-pixel imaging using caustic patterns. [Data Collection]

Abanades, I., Haddad, S., Rodrigo-Munoz, J., Marshall, R., Sastre, B., del Pozo, V., Fairen-Jimenez, D. and Forgan, R. (2018) Surface-Functionalisation of Zr-Fumarate MOF for Selective Cytotoxicity and Immune System Compatibility in Nanoscale Drug Delivery. [Data Collection]

Toninelli, E., Cox, M. A., Gibson, G., Brown, S. D., Edgar, M., Forbes, A. and Padgett, M. (2018) A 3D-printed acoustic spanner. [Data Collection]

Lyons, A. , Roger, T., Westerberg, N., Vezzoli, S., Maitland, C., Leach, J., Padgett, M. and Faccio, D. (2018) How fast is a twisted photon? [Data Collection]

Toninelli, E., Moreau, P.-A., Gregory, T., Mihalyi, A., Radwell, N., Edgar, M. and Padgett, M. (2018) Resolution-enhanced full-field imaging by centroid estimation of biphotons. [Data Collection]

Gibson, G., Toninelli, E., Horsley, S. A. R., Spalding, G., Hendry, E., Phillips, D. and Padgett, M. (2018) Reversal of Orbital Angular Momentum arising from an extreme Doppler shift. [Data Collection]

Bennett, M., Cantini, M. , Reboud, J. , Cooper, J. , Roca-Cusachs, P. and Salmeron-Sanchez, M. (2018) The molecular clutch drives cell response to surface viscosity. [Data Collection]

Mitchell, K. J., Radwell, N., Franke-Arnold, S., Padgett, M. J. and Phillips, D. B. (2017) Polarisation structuring of broadband light. [Data Collection]

Ballester-Beltrán, J., Trujillo, S., Alakpa, E., Compañ, V., Gavara, R., Meek, D., West, C. C., Péault, B., Dalby, M. J. and Salmerón-Sánchez, M. (2017) Confined sandwich-like microenvironments tune myogenic differentiation. [Data Collection]

Grigoriu, E. , Cantini, M. , Dalby, M. J., Petersen, A. and Salmerón-Sánchez, M. (2017) Cell migration on material-driven fibronectin microenvironments. [Data Collection]

Moulisova, V. , Gonzalez-Garcia, C., Cantini, M. , Rodrigo-Navarro, A. , Weaver, J., Costello, M., Sabater i Serra, R., Dalby, M. , Garcia, A. and Salmerón-Sánchez, M. (2017) Engineered microenvironments for synergistic VEGF - Integrin signalling during vascularization. [Data Collection]

Gibson, G., Sun, B., Edgar, M., Phillips, D., Hempler, N., Maker, G. T., Malcolm, G. P.A. and Padgett, M. (2017) Real-time imaging of methane gas leaks using a single-pixel camera. [Data Collection]

Restuccia, S., Giovannini, D., Gibson, G. and Padgett, M. (2016) Comparing the information capacity of Laguerre-Gaussian and Hermite-Gaussian modal sets in a finite-aperture system. [Data Collection]

Xu, G., Hang, Z., Cooper, J. and Reboud, J. (2016) Capillary-based multiplexed isothermal nucleic acid-based test for sexually transmitted diseases in patients. [Data Collection]

Rico Tortosa, P., Mnatsakanyan, H., Dalby, M. and Salmerón-Sánchez, M. (2016) Material-Driven Fibronectin Assembly Promotes Maintenance of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Phenotypes. [Data Collection]

Ngandu Mpoyi, E., Cantini, M. , Reynolds, P. , Gadegaard, N. , Dalby, M. and Salmerón-Sánchez, M. (2016) Protein adsorption as a key mediator in the nanotopographical control of cell behavior. [Data Collection]

Phillips, D., He, R., Chen, Q., Gibson, G. and Padgett, M. (2016) Non-diffractive computational ghost imaging. [Data Collection]

Leavey, S. , Danilishin, S. L., Gläfke, A., Barr, B. W., Gräf, C., Hennig, J.-S., Houston, E. A., Lück, H., Pascucci, D., Somiya, K., Spencer, A., Steinlechner, S., Strain, K. , WRIGHT, J., Zhang, T. and Hild, S. (2016) Control of a velocity-sensitive audio-band quantum non-demolition interferometer. [Data Collection] (Unpublished)

Zhang, Y., Edgar, M., Sun, B., Radwell, N., Gibson, G. and Padgett, M. (2016) 3D single-pixel video. [Data Collection]

Aspden, R., Gemmell, N. R., MORRIS, P., Tasca, D. S., MERTENS, L., Tanner, M. G., Kirkwood, R. A., Ruggeri, A., Tosi, A., Boyd, R., Buller, G. S., Hadfield, R. and Padgett, M. (2015) Photon-sparse microscopy: Visible light imaging using infrared illumination. [Data Collection]

Zhang, Y., Gibson, G., Hay, R., Bowman, R. W., Padgett, M. and Edgar, M. (2015) A fast 3D reconstruction system with a low-cost camera accessory. [Data Collection]

Edgar, M., Gibson, G., Bowman, R. W., Sun, B., Radwell, N., Mitchell, K. J., Welsh, S. S. and Padgett, M. (2015) Simultaneous real-time visible and infrared video with single-pixel detectors. [Data Collection]

Giovannini, D., Romero, J., Potoček, V., Ferenczi, G., Speirits, F., Barnett, S. , Faccio, D. and Padgett, M. (2015) Spatially structured photons that travel in free space slower than the speed of light. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 03:57:52 2025 GMT.