Recognising Excellence in Teaching (RET): An evaluation of the pilot mentoring project

Davidson, J. (2024) Recognising Excellence in Teaching (RET): An evaluation of the pilot mentoring project. [Data Collection]

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Anonymised transcripts from qualitative interviews for the Recognising Excellence in Teaching (RET): An evaluation of the pilot mentoring project. There are 5 individual interviews with mentees (file names mentee 1-5), 1 interview with a mentor (named RET extra transcript) and 1 focus (named RET Focus group transcript).

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Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2024 14:26
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Davidson, J. (2024); Recognising Excellence in Teaching (RET): An evaluation of the pilot mentoring project

University of Glasgow

DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.1673

Retrieved: 2024-07-27