Browse by Glasgow Author
Data Collection
Kaur, J. , Zhang, W., Elsayed, M., Liang, J., Le Kernec, J. , Popoola, O. , Imran, M. , Abbasi, Q. and Abbas, H. (2025) Dataset from Opti-track, SDR, and Radar for Indoor Localisation. [Data Collection]
Taylor, W., Pinkerton, S., Khan, M. T., Taha, M. M.A. , Barakat, B., Shawky, M. A. , Abbasi, Q. H. , Imran, M. A. and Taha, A. (2024) WiPE-FaLl: Wi-Fi-based Prediction and Estimation of Fall Likelihood. [Data Collection]
Kaur, J. , Abbasi, Q. , Sharif, A. B., Popoola, O. , Imran, M. and Abbas, H. (2024) Enhancing Wave Propagation via Contextual Beamforming. [Data Collection]
Kaur, J. , Shawky, M. , Mollel, M., Popoola, O. , Imran, M. , Abbasi, Q. and Abbas, H. (2024) Indoor Position Estimation Using Machine Learning. [Data Collection]
Hameed, H., Tahir, A., Usman, M., Jiang, Z., Lubna, , Abbas, H. , Naeem, R., Tie Jun, C., Imran, M. A. and Abbasi, Q. (2024) Wi-Fi and Radar Fusion for Head Movement Sensing Through Walls Leveraging Deep Learning. [Data Collection]
Abbasi, Q. , Ge, Y., Chong, T., Haobo, L., Zikang, C., Wang, J., Wenda, L., Cooper, J. , Chetty, K., Faccio, D. and Imran, M. (2023) A comprehensive multimodal dataset for contactless lip reading and acoustic analysis. [Data Collection]
Zaidi, S. B. A., Shawky, M. , Taha, A. , Abbasi, Q. , Imran, M. and Ansari, S. (2023) An Efficient Deep Learning-based Spectrum Awareness Approach for Vehicular Communication. [Data Collection]
Yu, Z., Khan, M. Z., Taha, A. , Imran, M. and Abbasi, Q. (2022) NodeNS Human Activity Dataset. [Data Collection]
Hameed, H., Usman, M., Tahir, A., Imran, M. and Abbasi, Q. (2022) Recognizing British Sign Language using Deep Learning: A Contact-less and Privacy-Preserving Approach. [Data Collection]
Jabbar, A., Rains, J., Jamshed, M. A., Kazim, J. U. R. , Ur Rehman, M. , Imran, M. and Abbasi, Q. (2022) On the Reduction of Uplink Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Reflecting Intelligent Surfaces: An Experimental Validation. [Data Collection]
Khan, M. Z., Taha, A. , Taylor, W., Imran, M. and Abbasi, Q. (2022) Non-invasive Localization using Software-Defined Radios. [Data Collection]
Usman, M., Rains, J., Khan, M. Z., Kazim, J. U. R. , Imran, M. and Abbasi, Q. (2022) Intelligent Wireless Walls for Contactless In-Home Monitoring. [Data Collection]
Hameed, H., Usman, M., Tahir, A., Abbas, H. , Imran, M. and Abbasi, Q. (2022) Pushing the Limits of Remote RF Sensing: Reading Lips Under Face Mask. [Data Collection]
Ashleibta, A. M. A., Taha, A., Taylor, W., Zoha, A. , Imran, M. and Abbasi, Q. (2021) 5G-Enabled Contactless Multi-User Presence and Activity Detection for Independent Assisted Living. [Data Collection]