Items where College / School is "MRC/CSO Unit" and Year is 2024
Brown, J. and Inchley, J. (2024) Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study in Scotland, 2022. [Data Collection]
Lembo, T. , Davis, A. , Loosli, K., Nthambi, M. , Mutua, E., Laurie, E. , Shirima, G., Hilton, S. , Mmbaga, B. T., Nasuwa, F., Melubo, M., Mnzava, K., Mshana, S., Hanley, N. , Jeremia, H., Muro, F., Seni, J. and Matthews, L. (2024) Supporting the National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (SNAP-AMR) data collection tools. [Data Collection]
Lomax, N., Hoehn, A. , Heppenstall, A. , Purshouse, R., Wu, G., Zia, K. and Meier, P. (2024) SIPHER Synthetic Population for Individuals in Great Britain, 2019-2021. [Data Collection]
University of St. Andrews, , Inchley, J. and University of Glasgow. MRC Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, (2024) Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study in Scotland, 2018. [Data Collection]