JamieJQuinn/lare3d: Initial Zenodo Release

Arber, T., Bennett, K., Brady, C. and Quinn, J. (2019) JamieJQuinn/lare3d: Initial Zenodo Release. [Data Collection]

Datacite DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3560250

Collection description

Copy of Lare3d including anisotropic viscosity

College / School: College of Science and Engineering > School of Mathematics and Statistics
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2019 11:05
URI: https://researchdata.gla.ac.uk/id/eprint/920

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Arber, T., Bennett, K., Brady, C. and Quinn, J. (2019); JamieJQuinn/lare3d: Initial Zenodo Release


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3560250

Retrieved: 2024-07-27