The SP cohort

Edwards, J. and Payne, S. (2019) The SP cohort. [Data Collection]

Collection description

This database was established to allow us to investigate biomarkers in prostate cancer.

Safehaven number: GSH/16/ON001

A retrospective cohort of consecutive prostate cancer patients diagnosed in 2009 was identified using the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) urology MDT records. 350 patients were identified. An anonymised database containing clinical, biochemical and pathological data for patients included in the cohort was created using electronic and paper medical records.
Clinical outcome measures for this cohort are time to intervention, time to biochemical relapse, time to metastases and disease specific survival.

Ethical approval for tissue collection was obtained from Biorepository. Data collection was under NHSGGC Safe Haven ethical approval (GSH/16/ON/001).

College / School: College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Cancer Sciences
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2019 11:38

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Edwards, J. and Payne, S. (2019); The SP cohort

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Safehaven

Retrieved: 2025-02-11