A general strategy for discovery of inhibitors and activators of RING and U-box E3 ligases with ubiquitin variants

Gabrielsen, M., Buetow, L., Nakasone, M., Ahmed, S., Sibbet, G., Smith, B. , Zhang, W., Sidhu, S. and Huang, D. (2017) A general strategy for discovery of inhibitors and activators of RING and U-box E3 ligases with ubiquitin variants. [Data Collection]

Collection description

This record links to 4 protein structures determined by x-ray crystallography, deposited in the RCSB PDB.

College / School: College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Cancer Sciences
College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Cancer Sciences > Beatson Institute of Cancer Research
Date Deposited: 02 Apr 2019 14:45
URI: https://researchdata.gla.ac.uk/id/eprint/776

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Gabrielsen, M., Buetow, L., Nakasone, M., Ahmed, S., Sibbet, G., Smith, B. , Zhang, W., Sidhu, S. and Huang, D. (2017); A general strategy for discovery of inhibitors and activators of RING and U-box E3 ligases with ubiquitin variants



Retrieved: 2025-01-21