Accessing HIV post-exposure prophylaxis: gay and bisexual men in the UK describe their experiences

Dodds, C. A., Keogh, P. G. and Weatherburn, P. (2017) Accessing HIV post-exposure prophylaxis: gay and bisexual men in the UK describe their experiences. [Data Collection]

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Detailed annotations of interviews with gay and bisexual men (not full transcripts). A full summary of the project and its findings is offered in the project description. In 2005 men completing the online version of the Gay Men's Sex Survey who said they had ever tried to get PEP were invited to take part in a 30 minute telephone interview about their experiences. Interviewing took place between August and December 2005. The interviews were undertaken by two researchers and were audio tape-recorded with consent. These were used for anaytical and reflective thematic analysis undertaken by two researchers working independently. Because of the responsive nature of this work, undertaken to help inform the direction of intervention development and advocacy at a particular stage in the policy process, the team did not have the time or resource available to make full transcripts of the recordings. In addition to the use of these synopsis notes, key quotes were retrieved, analysed and utilised directly from the audio in the final report prior to the destruction of the recordings - so the annotated notes that remain for each interview should mainly considered as synopses. As such, these are not verbatim accounts of the interviews.

College / School: College of Social Sciences > School of Social and Environmental Sustainability
Date Deposited: 05 Dec 2017 12:14

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Dodds, C. A., Keogh, P. G. and Weatherburn, P. (2017); Accessing HIV post-exposure prophylaxis: gay and bisexual men in the UK describe their experiences

UK Data Service


Retrieved: 2024-10-22