Imported Material in Atlantic Britain and Ireland c.AD400-800

Campbell, E. (2008) Imported Material in Atlantic Britain and Ireland c.AD400-800. [Data Collection]

Datacite DOI: 10.5284/1000293

Collection description

This project sets out to produce a database of all imported pottery and glass found in Western Britain and Ireland in the period c. AD 400-800. It arose from the author's PhD thesis (Campbell 1991) which used the site of Dinas Powys as its main case study supplemented by subsequent reporting on import assemblages from many excavated sites including other key sites such as Whithorn (Campbell 1997) and Dunadd (Lane & Campbell 2000). The database accompanies a printed monograph on the imports (Campbell 2007). These imports are a key factor in the dating and interpretation of Early Historic sites in the Atlantic West, but many aspects of their interpretation are controversial. The database accompanies a printed monograph on the imports (Campbell 2007). The imports consist mainly of pottery and glass, but there is a small amount of other material. The main categories of pottery are Mediterranean red-slipped wares (African Red Slipware, Phocaean Red Slipware) and amphorae (Late Roman Amphorae); Continental black-slipped wares (DSPA) and coarsewares (Thomas's E ware). The glass belongs to Campbell's Groups A-E. The database has two main purposes: firstly, to make the primary data on the imports available to researchers for the first time, so that they can be independently assessed; and secondly, to allow distribution maps to be generated by the user for any group of material.

College / School: College of Arts & Humanities > School of Humanities > Archaeology
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2014 15:03
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Campbell, E. (2008); Imported Material in Atlantic Britain and Ireland c.AD400-800

University of Glasgow

DOI: 10.5284/1000293

Retrieved: 2025-01-23