Ocean acidification and temperature increase impacts mussel shell shape and thickness: problematic for protection?

Fitzer, S.C., Vittert, L., Bowman, A. , Kamenos, N.A., Phoenix, V.R. and Cusack, M. (2015) Ocean acidification and temperature increase impacts mussel shell shape and thickness: problematic for protection? [Data Collection]

Original publication URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ece3.1756
Datacite DOI: 10.5061/dryad.74ms0

Collection description

Mussel shell growth and shell shape analysis data for all figures supporting the Ecology and Evolution publication. The first worksheet entitled 'Mussel shell growth' lists all growth measurements for individual mussel shells used for mussel shell growth (mean ± SD) during 9 months of experimental culture (n=4 per treatment). Shells were grown at 380, 550, 750 and 1000 μatm CO2 at ambient temperature and 750 and 1000 μatm CO2 ambient temperature + 2°C. For the shell shape analysis, there are four .obj files per treatment, one for each individual mussel as titled. The .obj file is a matrix of points in 3d (x,y,z) that make up the mussel with a color attached to each point. A simple triangulation of these 3d points creates the visualized surface of the mussel. These individual .obj files were compared across the experimental condition populations 380, 550, 750 and 1000 μatm pCO2, and 750 and 1000 μatm pCO2 + 2°C (n=4 per treatment). Each file name refers to the treatment, the .obj files are labelled for each individual mussel as mussel’treatment’_oo# where # represents the number of the individual mussel, and treatment is the CO2 concentration. The files were produced by Dimensional Imaging OBJ exporter http://www.di3d.com.

Keywords: Biomineralization, CO2, mussels, ocean acidification, shell shape, shell thickness, temperature.
College / School: College of Science and Engineering > School of Geographical and Earth Sciences
College of Science and Engineering > School of Mathematics and Statistics > Statistics
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2015 11:01
Enlighten Publications URL: http://eprints.gla.ac.uk/110107/
URI: https://researchdata.gla.ac.uk/id/eprint/226

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Fitzer, S.C., Vittert, L., Bowman, A. , Kamenos, N.A., Phoenix, V.R. and Cusack, M. (2015); Ocean acidification and temperature increase impacts mussel shell shape and thickness: problematic for protection?

University of Glasgow

DOI: 10.5061/dryad.74ms0

Retrieved: 2025-02-12