
Zinsmeister, D. and Angelidis, O. (2023) ProHMo. [Data Collection]

Collection description

This library contains CoSES thermal Prosumer House Model (ProHMo). ProHMo is a library with detailed models of the heating system of 5 houses created with Modelica in SimulationX. The house models are representing the thermal system of the Center for Combined Smart Energy Systems (CoSES) laboratory and are validated by measurements from the laboratory. The library includes FMI models that can be integrated in other software environments. In addition, ProHMo includes models for simulating 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling systems, including prosumers, balancing unit and ambient grid models. The models have also been experimentally validated in the laboratory.

College / School: College of Science and Engineering > School of Engineering > Systems Power and Energy
Date Deposited: 22 Apr 2024 13:27

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Zinsmeister, D. and Angelidis, O. (2023); ProHMo


Retrieved: 2024-12-22