Foreign Policy Attitudes within the United Kingdom—Comparing Scotland to England, 2022

Scotto, T. J. , Gravelle, T. B. and Duncanson, C. (2024) Foreign Policy Attitudes within the United Kingdom—Comparing Scotland to England, 2022. [Data Collection]

Datacite DOI: 10.7910/DVN/KQE6KP

Collection description

This is a dataset from a project aimed to study the foreign policy attitudes of Britons, with the specific aim of comparing attitudes in Scotland and England. Respondents were recruited using the Momentive/SurveyMokey endpage recruitment methodology between October 3 and October 22, 2022. As a key aim of the project was to compare Scottish and English respondents, oversampling Scottish respondents was necessary. To achieve this aim, two parallel online surveys were fielded: 1) in the entire United Kingdom; 2) in Scotland. The content of both surveys was the same. Number of Responses:: 6,579 Scotland+England, 4,479 England, 2,100 Scotland.

Keywords: Comparative public opinion, foreign policy attitudes.
College / School: College of Social Sciences > School of Social and Political Sciences > Politics
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2024 14:33

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Scotto, T. J. , Gravelle, T. B. and Duncanson, C. (2024); Foreign Policy Attitudes within the United Kingdom—Comparing Scotland to England, 2022

Harvard Dataverse

DOI: 10.7910/DVN/KQE6KP

Retrieved: 2024-10-22