A Dataset of References to Youth in Peace Agreements (YPAD), 1990-2022

Ozcelik, A. and Shaw, D. (2023) A Dataset of References to Youth in Peace Agreements (YPAD), 1990-2022. [Data Collection]

Datacite DOI: 10.7910/DVN/TZZOEX

Collection description

The dataset (YPAD) compiles 208 peace agreements which were concluded in the period of 1990-2022 and make an express textual reference to youth, young people, and similar. These represent approximately 12% of all peace agreements concluded in this period. The agreements in YPAD address inter-state, intra-state, or local level armed conflicts, relating to 70 peace processes from across the world. YPAD offers a thematic categorisation of the references to youth in peace agreements under eight main themes and 53 sub-themes.

Keywords: Youth, peace agreements, ceasefire agreements.
College / School: College of Social Sciences > School of Law
College of Social Sciences > School of Social and Political Sciences
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2023 10:13
URI: https://researchdata.gla.ac.uk/id/eprint/1484

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Ozcelik, A. and Shaw, D. (2023); A Dataset of References to Youth in Peace Agreements (YPAD), 1990-2022

Harvard Dataverse


Retrieved: 2025-02-16