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direct quotations
Yao, B. and Scheepers, C. (2018) Direct speech quotations promote low relative-clause attachment in silent reading of English. [Data Collection]
implicit prosody
Yao, B. and Scheepers, C. (2018) Direct speech quotations promote low relative-clause attachment in silent reading of English. [Data Collection]
indirect speech
Yao, B. and Scheepers, C. (2018) Direct speech quotations promote low relative-clause attachment in silent reading of English. [Data Collection]
inner voice
Yao, B. and Scheepers, C. (2018) Direct speech quotations promote low relative-clause attachment in silent reading of English. [Data Collection]
mental simulation
Yao, B. and Scheepers, C. (2018) Direct speech quotations promote low relative-clause attachment in silent reading of English. [Data Collection]
relative-clause attachment
Yao, B. and Scheepers, C. (2018) Direct speech quotations promote low relative-clause attachment in silent reading of English. [Data Collection]