The Effects of Ultrasound on the Electro-Oxidation of Sulfate Solutions at Low pH

Wallace, A., McHugh, P. and Symes, M. (2019) The Effects of Ultrasound on the Electro-Oxidation of Sulfate Solutions at Low pH. [Data Collection]

Collection description

The electro-oxidation of sulfate solutions is a well-established route for the generation of powerful oxidants such as persulfate. Despite this, the effects of simultaneous ultrasound irradiation during this process has attracted little attention. Herein, we investigate the effects of a low-intensity ultrasonic field on the generation of solution-phase oxidants during the electro-oxidation of sulfate solutions. Our results show that at high current densities and high sulfate concentrations, ultrasound has little effect on the Faradaic and absolute yields of solution-phase oxidants. However, at lower current densities and sulfate concentrations, the amount of these oxidants in solution appears to decrease under ultrasonic irradiation. A mechanism explaining these results is proposed (and validated), whereby anodically-generated sulfate and hydroxyl radicals are more effectively transported into bulk solution (where they are quenched) during sonication, whereas in the absence of an ultrasonic field these radicals combine with one another to form more persistent species (such as persulfate) that can be detected by iodometry.

College / School: College of Science and Engineering > School of Chemistry
Date Deposited: 28 May 2019 15:16

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Wallace, A., McHugh, P. and Symes, M. (2019); The Effects of Ultrasound on the Electro-Oxidation of Sulfate Solutions at Low pH

University of Glasgow

DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.830

Retrieved: 2024-10-16


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