Pressure induced enhancement of the magnetic ordering temperature in rhenium(IV) monomers

Woodall, C. H., Craig, G. A., Prescimone, A., Misek, M., Cano, J., Faus, J., Probert, M. R., Parsons, S., Moggach, S. A., Martínez-Lillo, J., Murrie, M., Kamenev, K. V. and Brechin, E. K. (2016) Pressure induced enhancement of the magnetic ordering temperature in rhenium(IV) monomers. [Data Collection]

Datacite DOI: None

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Link to structures deposited in the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.

College / School: College of Science and Engineering > School of Chemistry
Date Deposited: 13 Dec 2017 13:32

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Woodall, C. H., Craig, G. A., Prescimone, A., Misek, M., Cano, J., Faus, J., Probert, M. R., Parsons, S., Moggach, S. A., Martínez-Lillo, J., Murrie, M., Kamenev, K. V. and Brechin, E. K. (2016); Pressure induced enhancement of the magnetic ordering temperature in rhenium(IV) monomers


DOI: None

Retrieved: 2024-09-11