WA25204 ENTRACTE Study - ECG Data

Inglis, L. (2016) WA25204 ENTRACTE Study - ECG Data. [Data Collection]

Collection description

The Entracte study (protocol number WA25204) was a 5-year Rheumatology Study. The study object was to compare prospectively two rheumatology drugs (TCZ and Etanercept) with respect to drug efficacy and the time to first occurrence of any component of a composite of major adverse cardiovascular events. Subjects randomised into the study who completed the full 5-year clinical trial had multiple ECGs recorded over that period. The remit of the University of Glasgow ECG core lab team based at Glasgow Royal Infirmary was to ensure accurate, quality ECG data collection to facilitate the identification of a potential silent myocardial infarction (MI) in study subjects. The check for potential silent MIs was carried out by Professor Peter Macfarlane. ECGs with a potential silent MI were subsequently forwarded to the Cardiovascular Endpoint Event Adjudication Committee who made the final decision on the basis of the ECG and the subject’s clinical history. The paper ECG data for this study is archived at Roche in Basel, Switzerland with a 10-year retention period.

College / School: College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health
Date Deposited: 07 Jul 2016 13:06
URI: https://researchdata.gla.ac.uk/id/eprint/330

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Inglis, L. (2016); WA25204 ENTRACTE Study - ECG Data

University of Glasgow


Retrieved: 2024-09-09


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