Data for Doppler Dimming and Brightening Effects in Solar Prominences

Peat, A., Osborne, C. and Heinzel, P. (2024) Data for Doppler Dimming and Brightening Effects in Solar Prominences. [Data Collection]

Datacite DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12083238

Collection description

This is the data used in Doppler Dimming and Brightening Effects in Solar Prominences by Peat, Osborne, and Heinzel. Published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Letters) 2024.

The data is sorted as follows,

It is a dictionary of keys 'vlos', 'vrad', 'models'.
Models is a 2D array of shape (3333,2). The first axis is the model number, and the second axis is velocity and alititude (in SI).

'vlos' and 'vrad' both are dictionaries with the keys 'pctr' and 'iso'.
'pctr' and 'iso' are lists of length 3333. Each of these entries corresponds directly with the parameters in 'models'.
Each of the entires in the list are dictionaries. Which contian 'lya', 'ha', 'mgiih'. These are Lyman Alpha, H Alpha and MgII h, respectively.
'lya', 'ha', 'mgiih' contain dictionaries with keys 'int' and 'wvl'. In 'int' is a numpy array of the line, and 'wvl' is a numpy array of the wavelength grid (with 0 being line centre).

Keywords: Solar astronomy, Stellar astronomy
College / School: College of Science and Engineering > School of Physics and Astronomy
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2024 13:08

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Peat, A., Osborne, C. and Heinzel, P. (2024); Data for Doppler Dimming and Brightening Effects in Solar Prominences


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12083238

Retrieved: 2025-02-11