Complete genome sequence of Brucella abortus isolated from a human blood culture sample in Tanzania

Mbwambo, G., van Zwetselaar, M., Sonda, T., Lukambagire, A. H., Njau, J., Wadugu, B., Ignass, I., Amani, N., Hugho, E., Rubach, M., Sakasaka, P., Oisso, R., Mkenda, N., Shirima, G., Ashford, R., Haydon, D. , Maro, V., Kazwala, R., Kumburu, H. and Halliday, J. (2023) Complete genome sequence of Brucella abortus isolated from a human blood culture sample in Tanzania. [Data Collection]

Collection description

Please follow the links below to access datasets stored in the European Nucleotide Archive under accession number PRJEB66434. Raw reads are under accessions ERR12080966 (ONT) and ERR12080967 (MiSeq). The genome assembly has GenBank accession GCA_963555505, and chromosome accessions OY741352 and OY741353.

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Mbwambo, G., van Zwetselaar, M., Sonda, T., Lukambagire, A. H., Njau, J., Wadugu, B., Ignass, I., Amani, N., Hugho, E., Rubach, M., Sakasaka, P., Oisso, R., Mkenda, N., Shirima, G., Ashford, R., Haydon, D. , Maro, V., Kazwala, R., Kumburu, H. and Halliday, J. (2023); Complete genome sequence of Brucella abortus isolated from a human blood culture sample in Tanzania

European Nucleotide Archive

Retrieved: 2025-02-11