ChileFjords18 Project: GIS database of glacial geomorphology between the Gran Campo Nevado and Estrecho de Magallanes, Chile

Rodriguez, P. C. , Geiger, A. and Ferri, L. (2023) ChileFjords18 Project: GIS database of glacial geomorphology between the Gran Campo Nevado and Estrecho de Magallanes, Chile. [Data Collection]

Collection description

The data set encompasses a total of 4290 individual glacial geomorphic landforms and sediment associations covering an area of 1565 km2 in the Fjords of south-western Chile. The mapping was conducted using the following remote sensing data: Planet (2019), Sentinel-2 (2018), Bing & Google Earth 7.0. In addition 26 aerial photographs acquired through the Chilean aerial photograph service (SAF) were used for traditional stereoscopic analysis whilst certain locations were corroborated during field observations in November 2018. The ALOS Palsar DEM was used a as topographic base. The data set can be opened in GIS software.

The majority of mapping was conducted by Rodriguez, P.C. with site specific contributions using UAV video footage by Ferri, L. Geiger, A.J. supervised the mapping effort and checked specific landforms where doubts were raised by Rodriguez, P.C. and Ferri, L. This dataset forms the basis for the following publication:

Rodriguez et al. (2023) Glacial geomorphology between the Gran Campo Nevado and Estrecho de Magallanes, Chile (52-52°S, 73°W), Journal of Maps.

College / School: College of Science and Engineering > School of Geographical and Earth Sciences
Date Deposited: 18 Jul 2023 13:34

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Rodriguez, P. C. , Geiger, A. and Ferri, L. (2023); ChileFjords18 Project: GIS database of glacial geomorphology between the Gran Campo Nevado and Estrecho de Magallanes, Chile

University of Glasgow

DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.1384

Retrieved: 2025-01-12


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