Numerical modelling of the application of capillary barrier systems for prevention of rainfall-induced slope instability

Scarfone, R. , Wheeler, S. and Smith, C. (2022) Numerical modelling of the application of capillary barrier systems for prevention of rainfall-induced slope instability. [Data Collection]

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The excel file 'research_data_ScarfoneWheelerSmith_AGEO_2022.xlsx' contains data related to the paper 'Numerical modelling of the application of capillary barrier systems for prevention of rainfall-induced slope instability'.

Each sheet, named like a corresponding figure in the paper, contains data used to plot a specific figure.

Titles of the different column data correspond to the names of axes and legends used in the figures in the paper.

College / School: College of Science and Engineering > School of Engineering
Date Deposited: 20 Jul 2022 09:40

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Scarfone, R. , Wheeler, S. and Smith, C. (2022); Numerical modelling of the application of capillary barrier systems for prevention of rainfall-induced slope instability

University of Glasgow

DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.1291

Retrieved: 2024-12-06


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