Data from this collection consists of hard-copy transcripts of interviews. To request access these paper records please use the 'Request Data' button above. This thesis outlines the history of the distinctive diaconate within the Church of England, and the understanding of the diaconate contained with the Ordinal. It explores the experience of distinctive deacons within the Church of England today. It does so through interviews with a respondent cohort of sixteen distinctive deacons in active ministry. Secondly, this thesis explores the reasons why the distinctive diaconate has failed to grow and flourish. It does so by drawing attention to the ways in which the distinctive diaconate has been misused, and the inability of the Church hierarchy to act upon the recommendations of various reports that is has commissioned. It also explores the effect that collegial relationships, stipendiary status, and methods of deployment have had on this ministry. In its conclusion, this thesis presents an argument for the retention and development of the distinctive diaconate in the ministry of the Church of England.