2023-06-28 JB Record made, data to follow. Data deposit form saved in teams. 2023-07-10 MMD Data files sent through. Ethics provides for named or anonymous particpation. Have contacted researcher to confirm that Dr Jaafar Jotheri has consented to named particpation. Lots of contradiction between documentation provided regarding data sharing. Have asked researcher to clarify. If recording and transcript are not to be shared, need to check about anonymising supporting documentation - participant is named in Readme file and Interview question file. Files currently in SSD storage - will not move to Arkivum until we've got clarity on sharing and anonymisation from researcher. 2023-07-11 MMD Reseacher has confirmed that Dr Jotheri consented to named participation, however interview recording and transcript should not be shared. I have asked about sharing the Readme and other documentation. 2023-07-11 MMD Author has confirmed that supporting documentation can be deidentified and made public. Edited files accordingly. Added public files to record and moved all to Arkivum. Coined DOI.