The dataset is about monitoring human activities in complex Non-line-of-sight (Non-LOS) environments. Radio frequency (RF) sensing was employed in particular to collect unique channel fluctuations induced by multiple activities. The data collection hardware consists of two USRP devices one used as a transmitter (Tx) and one as receiver (Rx). Both USRPs are placed in a position where Tx and Rx were not in LOS. One was corner scenario, and the other was multifloor scenario. In the corner scenario, Tx was in one corridor while the Rx was in the other corridor and reflecting intelligent surface (RIS) was placed at corner to steer the beam towards the subject. The activities were performed between Tx and RIS. In multifloor scenario, Tx was on 5th floor and Rx was 3rd floor along with RIS. Activities were performed between RIS and Rx. Two subjects participated in experiments where each activity was performed for 6 seconds. The considered activities were sitting, standing, walking and empty.