In the file "Summary data" the data reported in figure 2 and 3 are reported. the excel sheets "NR_ spectra--PC_spectra--T_spectra--R_spectra" include the spectra (normalized to 1) as a fuction of wavelength and delay for negative refraction, phase conjugate, transmitted and reflected beams. the excel sheet "fig_3a-b" includes the efficiency generation for Negative refraction (NR) and phase conjugate (PC) (yellow table). Also it includes the frequency shift of for NR and PC (green table). PC and NR lam_FIT represent the central wavelength of the nonlinear beams obtained with the fit. the excel sheet "fig_3c" includes the data of figure 3c. Experimental data normalized to one for PC, reflected signal at 1400 nm, and reflected signal at 1460nm as a function of delay between pump and probe (yellow table). Fit for PC and reflection at 1460 nm (Green table). the excel sheet "fig_3d" includes the frequency shift respect to the probe input as a fuction of the pump intensity for PC and NR.