Readme files for data associated with: Faust, CL; Crotti, M; Moses, A; Oguttu, D; Wamboko, A; Adriko, M; Adekanle, EK; Kabatereine, N; Tukahebwa, EM; Norton, AJ; Gower, CM; Webster, JP; Lamberton, PHL. Two-year longitudinal survey reveals high genetic diversity of Schistosoma mansoni with adult worms surviving praziquantel treatment at the start of mass drug administration in Uganda. Parasites & Vectors. FILE 1. S_mansoni_microsatellites.csv - csv file formatted as a genelax format: - row 1 details 1) number of microsatellite loci, 2) number of individuals, and 3) number of populations - microsatellite loci are listed in separate columns but only one of the columns is labelled with the loci name - the first column (starting on row 3) has an individual identification name per miracidia - the second column details the infrapopulation and timepoint for each miracidia . FILE 2: S_mansoni_metadata.csv names and descriptions for each column in a file associating infrapopulations at a given timepoint with host data pop_ID : the name of the infrapopulation at a given timepoint (timepoint_child identification) - use to link to S_mansoni_microsatellite data school_name : primary school where individual is enrolled school_initials : abbreviation of primary school cid_num: truncated number of anonymised participant cid_unique : identification number of participant (infrapopulation) appended to school (completely unique) initials: initials of participant (used to cross reference correect individual) cid_alternative: unique identifier listing school, year of recruitment, age of recruitment, and id name within the age cohort sex : sex of the participant: f = female, m = male year_recruit : year participant was recruited (and hence PZQ treatments known) age_at_recruit : participant's age at recruitment adj_age : participant's age at the sampling time point time_int : sampling timpoint as an integer (1 to 11) time_weeks : sampling timepoint as time since beginning of this genetics study (2004) time_year_int : sampling year as integer (1 to 3) time_year : sampling year as year (2003 to 2006) time_char : sampling timepoint as weeks/year string no_slides : number of Kato-Katz slides examined at the timepoint (usually duplicate slides over 3 days; 6) sm_avg_epg : arithmetic mean of Schistosoma mansoni (Sm) eggs per gram (epg) of all slides examined at that timepoint sm_bin : binary infection status at the timepoint. 1 = infected, 0 = not infected rel_treat : short-term treatment (0 = no treatment in last 4 weeks, 1 = treatment 1 week prior, 4 = treatment 4 weeks priort) rel_treat2: string of short term treatment (pre = no treatment in last 4 weeks; post = treatment in last 4 weeks) rel_treat3: string of short term treatment, assuming 1 week post is from dead adults (pre = no treatment >2 weeks prior, post = treatment 4 weeks prior) pzq_cum: total number of previous praziquantel treatments (all observed) last_treat_mons: the number of months a treatment was last observed