function start_elevation % This code enables the analysis of nanolens menisus formed around the % nanoparticle. A theoretical framework is provided in the following paper % "Toward giga-pixel nanoscopy on a chip: a computational widefield look at % the nano-scale without the use of lenses" and written by Ozcan et % al. This paper can be found under the following link: % % The results from this code are presented and analysed in the following paper "Holographic Detection % of Nanoparticles using Acoustically Actuated Nanolenses" and written by % Aniruddha Ray, Muhammad Arslan Khalid, Andriejus Demcenko, Mustafa % Daloglu, Derek Tseng, Julien Reboud, Jonathan Cooper, and Aydogan Ozcan, % see Nature Communications 2019. % The code is developed and implemented by M.A. Khalid and A. Demcenko 2017. The last check % of this code was performed using Matlab R2018a on the 2nd December 2019. % To run the code in Matlab, please, type start_dispersion_analysis and press Enter. clear all; j=0; i=0; %Radius of the particle range RawRp = [10e-9:100e-9:510e-9]; %Contact angle range thetapRaw = [50, 25, 25, 50, 50]; thetasRaw = [10, 2.5, 5, 2.5, 5 ]; for j=1:size(thetapRaw,2) for i=1:size(RawRp,2) Rp = RawRp(i); andri = Rp/1000; thetap=thetapRaw(j)*pi/180; thetas=thetasRaw(j)*pi/180; z00=1e-12; for p=1:1001 z=Rp-p*andri+andri; Z(p)=z; Z0(p)=fsolve(@(z0) elevation(z0,Rp,thetap,thetas),z00); z0=Z0(p); % r(z) a=-asinh(cot(thetas)); beta=(Rp-z0)/sqrt(Rp^2-(Rp-z0)^2); b=1/z0*(1/a*asinh((beta*cos(thetap)-sin(thetap))/(beta*sin(thetap)+cos(thetap)))-1); r=1/(a*b)*cosh(a*(b*z+1)); R(p)=r; p; end maxR(i) = max(R)+Rp; figure(101); hold on; plot(R*1e+6,Z*1e6); xlabel('\itr\rm [\mum]'); ylabel('\itz\rm [\mum]'); end figure(102); hold on; plot(RawRp*1e+6,maxR*1e6); %drawnow; xlabel('\itRp \rm [\mum]'); ylabel('\itz\rm [\mum]'); legend(num2str(thetasRaw(j))) end