This data directory contains: 4x Georeferenced .tif and associated files that show surface sediment median (D50) grain size for four bars of the Tongariro River, New Zealand. Grain size was mapped using the methods described in Reid et al. (2019). 1x Shapefile (.shp) and associated files that show the location of the thirty largest clasts on the surface of four bars in the Tongariro River, New Zealand, surveyed in 2011. The attribute fields are as follows: - A: A-axis in mm - B: B-axis in mm - C: C-axis in mm (values not populated if clast was buried and this axis could not be measured) - Bar: Name of bar - Lag_ID: Field survey ID of clast REFERENCES Reid, H. E., Williams, R. D., Brierley, G. J., Coleman, S. E., Lamb, R., Rennie, C. D., and Tancock, M. J. ( 2019) Geomorphological effectiveness of floods to rework gravel bars: Insight from hyperscale topography and hydraulic modelling. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 44: 595– 613.