Data from "Towards Generic Scalable Parallel Combinatorial Search" to appear in PASCO 2017. Authors: Blair Archibald, Patrick Maier, Robert Stewart, Phil Trinder and Jan De Beule Results are stored in space-separated value (ssv) format. The plots and table data from the paper may be reproduced using the analysis scripts in the scripts directory. A Makefile is provided to automate the process and show the required commands. The scripts depend on R with the xtable, ggplot2 and dplyr packages available. Setup ====== All experiments are run on a the University of Glasgow GPG cluster with the following spec: 1. 20 Nodes (Max 17 used) 2. 16 Intel cores/node (2 \* Intel Xeon E5-2640 2GHz) 3. 64Gb RAM per node, i.e. 4Gb RAM/core. 4. Local Disk: 300Gb/node 5. 10Gb Ethernet Interconnect 6. Ubuntu 14.04, Linux 3.19 Source code for the applications is available at: HTSL: CTSL: existence-h44-ctsl.dat =========================== CTSL Version: 7518fbfe76a7b0df906bcc8a9d9995d8aa4be45a HPX Version: b95a17cfa93e2f4a02fb4473b2e5fe44ba4c1261 gcc Version: 6.3.0 Spawndepth: Two from root node Field Type Desc ---------------- ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- hosts int Number of distributed hosts we run on processes int Number of OS processes we spawn. Round robin distributed over hosts workersPerProc int Number of threads we allocate to executing search work per process totalWorkers int processes * workersPerProc runtime float Total program runtime in seconds as given by /usr/bin/time exists bool Did we find a spread in H(4,4)? existence-h44-htsl.dat ============================ GHC Version: 8.0.1 HTSL/maxclique Version: 6d96d6bc27b026388949a6ab3298f4ad9e202780 Spawndepth: Two from root node Field Type Desc ---------------- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hosts int Number of distributed hosts we run on processes int Number of OS processes we spawn. Round robin distributed over hosts workersPerProc int Number of threads we allocate as HdpH schedulers per process totalWorkers int processes * workersPerProc runtime float Runtime to perform search in seconds as reported by the program at termination exists bool Did we find a spread in H(4,4)? maxclique-htsl.dat ======================= GHC Version: 8.0.1 HTSL/maxclique Version: 6d96d6bc27b026388949a6ab3298f4ad9e202780 Spawndepth: Two from root node Field Type Desc -------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance str DIMACS instance name hosts int Number of distributed hosts we run on processes int Number of OS processes we spawn. Round robin distributed over hosts schedulers int Number of HdpH scheduler threads a.k.a Workers cores int Number of OS threads assigned to each process totalWorkers int processes * schedulers runtime float Runtime to perform search in seconds as reported by program at termination maxclique-ctsl.dat ===================== CTSL Version: 7518fbfe76a7b0df906bcc8a9d9995d8aa4be45a HPX Version: b95a17cfa93e2f4a02fb4473b2e5fe44ba4c1261 gcc Version: 6.3.0 Spawndepth: Two from root node Field Type Desc ---------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance str DIMACS instance name hosts int Number of distributed hosts we run on processes int Number of OS processes we spawn. Round robin distributed over hosts threads int OS threads allocated to a HPX instance workersPerProc int Number of threads we allocate to executing search work per process totalWorkers int processes * schedulers runtime float Runtime to perform search in seconds as reported by program at termination maxclique int Size of the discovered maximum clique