README This dataset consists of two interview transcriptions carried out with an air traffic controller (Interview A) and a pilot (Interview B) to examine the use of a responsibility modeling to model interactions around the TCAS colission avoidance systems. The interviews were initially designed as semi-structured interviews Gillham [57] using the responsibility model and analysis results (presented using the RESME toolkit) as artifacts to discuss. Interviews began with a short presentation of the responsibility modelling notation and an introduction to the toolkit using a worked example. Participants were then shown a series of sub-models representing different parts of the system (ATC, TCAS & Pilots) and asked to verbally describe each of them (to test the model’s understandability). For each sub model, participants were asked to discuss the similarity between the model representation and their experience of these sub-systems in the real world; prompted points of discussion include correctness, scope, level of abstraction and relevancy. After examining each submodel participants them inspected the whole model, with prompted focus on interactions between sub-systems and the identification of missing elements. The interviews then concluded by discussing the model-wide analysis results with the participant - the results of each type of analysis were introduced and presented, and the accuracy and relevance of these warnings were discussed. Participants were also asked to identify any important vulnerabilities that they felt had not been detected. This work was carried out as a part of Robbie Simpson's PHD entitled "Formalised Responsibility Modelling for Automated Socio-Technical Systems Analysis"