The folder “Experiment_DataSet” contains all the experimental data taken in the lab. There are two separate folders containing the data for all the correlation matrices of both LG and HG (for modes of N≤3). Each text file is read as a 10x10 matrix where the x and y axis are the modes (as seen in the paper and explained in the table) and the intensity is the Quantum Contrast as calculated in the lab. The text files are named as follows: “AllDAta__.txt” There were 10 data runs for each value of beam waist. E.g. “AllDAta_1_100.txt” is the 1st data run for a beam waist value of 100u used on the hologram. After the background subtraction as explained in the paper, the Bits per photon (equation in paper) for each individual matrix was calculated and inserted in the excel file “CalculatedBPPforGraph.xlsx”. In order to reproduce the x axis on the graph (Gaussian mode/Gaussian Fibre) waist we use a Gaussian Fibre waist of 600u.