README File: Capillary-based multiplexed isothermal nucleic acid-based test for sexually transmitted diseases in patients Authors: Gaolian Xu; Hang Zhao; Jonathan M. Cooper and Julien Reboud This readme file aims to provide a guide to using the data associated with this publication, available here in the following folders : 1. beads movement video. This video was the basis of the images taken for Figure 2A. It shows the magnet being moved next to the capillary to manipulate magnetic beads containing extracted DNA through plugs of liquids. Blue plugs are water-based, while transparent plugs are mineral oil. The file can be played using the software quicktime or other software able to read the following codecs : H.264, AAC, mebx. 2. Figure 4C-comparsion between singleplex and multiplex This excel file contains the data of 3 replicates associated with Figure 4C, where singleplex refers to the curve noted (1) on the figure and multiplex is curve (2). Column A is time interval number - see main text for details. 3. multiplex. is the raw picture used for Figure 4B. 4. Sensitivity. Contains an excel file ’sensitivity test’ that holds the raw data used for Figure 2D. the first column (A) is time interval while other columns are the intensity signals for three samples at the specified concentration. 5. powerless reaction chamber contains a view of the chamber used to run the assays with hot water (see Figure 3A in main text).