These data files correspond to the experiments reported in Section 4 of the following paper: D.F. Manlove, I. McBride and J. Trimble. "Almost-stable" matchings in the Hospitals / Residents problem with Couples: An Integer Programming approach. Technical Report no. 1602.01956, Computing Research Repository, Cornell University Library, 2016 ( Each instance file name is in the following format: - - - - - - - - - .txt Each instance file contains the following data: <2x preference lists for the residents who are involved in a couple> Resident and hospital IDs count from 0. Residents 0,1,...,2x-1 are the residents who are involved in a couple, and the couples comprise resident pairs (2i,2i+1) (0<=i<=x-1). The preference lists of the residents involved in couple (2i,2i+1) are in the following format: ... ... This means that the joint preference list for the couple (2i,2i+1) is then: ... The preference lists of the single residents are in the following format: ... The preference lists of the hospitals are in the following format: ...