Julia code for "Incorporating adult age into mosquito population models: implications for predicting abundances in changing climates" Please see file "AgeMosquitoModel2024.jl" --------------------------------------- In the code, parameters are renamed as follows R[j] <- rho_j: Egg raft size of the jth adult age class theta1 <- theta: Curvature of the egg raft size function theta2 <- kappa: Effect of age on adult mortality --------------------------------------- Run code by > julia AgeMosquitoModel2024.jl R1 Where R1 = aRavg >= Ravg = 200 is the egg raft size of the first adult age class (A_1, D_1) and Ravg is the average egg raft size from classes 1:M. You may change other parameters within the code. --------------------------------------- The code runs simulations for all possible combinations of the entries in the temperature arrays (modifiable within the code): MUARRAY: Mean annual temperatures LAMBARRAY: Temperature amplitude PHIARRAY: Timing of summer GAMMAARRAY: Length of summer --------------------------------------- Output: Two .txt files are generated: one containing adult solutions and their survival rates, and the other containing remaining solutions (immature stages, delays, and immature survival rates).