This folder contains files and code used in the investigation of the use of UDCA as pre-exposure prophylaxis in a hospital setting. Simulation_data This folder contains simulation data obtained from Stephanie Evans at UKHSA. Data are divided into files describing healthcare workers (HCWs) and patients in 180 simulated hospital environments. Environments are split by the level of importation of cases from the community, as follows: Low importation (0.5 x standard) : 1-20, 61-80, 120-140 Standard importation: 21-40, 81-100, 141-160 High importation (2 x standard) : 41-60, 101-120, 161-180 For convenience files have been gzipped and should be uncompressed before use. Data This folder contains data describing which wards the intervention would be run on and when. The format is: Ward Start day End day Different intervention windows were considered, from 6 to 14 days. Given the detection of a case of SARS-CoV-2 on a ward, patients on that ward are given UDCA for the stated number of days. The intervention resets itself whenever a new case is found on that ward. The file Ward_detection_windows_patient_only31_8.dat describes the intervention windows for simulation 31 with an 8-day intervention window. Code This directory contains code to analyse the simulation data. It is written in C++ and can be compiled with a make command. Example scripts to run the code are located in Code/Calculations/Output. These assume the use of the GNU parallel software package, and a machine with at least 12 cores on which to run calculations. Each line iterates over the numbers 1 to 180, which are placed in the {} positions in the script. The file Calculated_Intervention_Outputs.tar.gz when uncompressed contains the results from calculations run during this analysis. Each run of the code involves a small stochastic element, related to the baseline ACE2 values of the individuals in the simulation. The file Code/FindInterventionWindows.nb is a Mathematica worksheet that was used to generate the ward detection windows provided in the Data directory.