Analysis of the Ag M4,5 EELS edge to study silver nanoparticle corrosion JC Brennan, DA MacLaren Journal of Microscopy August 2023. Contact email: Raw data for the figures shown and discussed in the manuscript are included. All of the data presented was analysed using Digital Micrograph software. ( The high angle annular dark field (HAADF) images presented in Figures 2 and 4 are converted to .jpeg files and presented without any alteration. As is the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image presented in Figure 2. All of the other data presented stems from electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The data was obtained using a JEOL ARM200cF operating at 200 kV, and a Gatan 965 Quantum ER SPectrometer. Typically a probe convergence angle of 29 mrad, colelction angle of ~35 mrad, and a dispersion of 0.025 eV/ channel were used. The raw EELS data is provided here in the .dm3 Digital Micrograph format. The data was processed in Digital Micrograph by aligning the zero loss peak to align bot the low-loss and high-loss spectra for each data set. Plural scattering was removed using a log-ratio technique. Background signals were removed by assigning background signal windows. Signal intensities were normalised for ease of comparison and presentation. Quantification was carried out using in-built Digital Micrograph software to highlight regions dominated by signals from certain elements. This was the basis for the RGB images shown in Figures 2-4.