Hydraulic and geomorphic assessment of structural interventions on the tropical, wandering Bislak River, the Philippines - Research Data This repository contains data for an investigation that used a HEC-RAS hydraulic model and Geomorphic Change Detection software to assess the impact of flood and erosion control structures along the Bislak River, the Philippines. The hydraulic model used topographic data acquired in 2019. This dataset includes: (A) HEC-RAS model inputs; (b) HEC-RAS model outputs; and (c) Output of Geomorphic Change Detection. *All geospatial data are in the WGS 84 UTM Zone 51 N coordinate system. Contact: plmtolentino.ac@outlook.com, p.tolentino.1@research.gla.ac.uk, Richard.Williams@glasgow.ac.uk, Martin.Hurst@glasgow.ac.uk This directory contains: A. HEC-RAS Inputs: ================== Data to run HEC-RAS 2D simulation in six sub-directories: 1. Projection file: EPSG 32651 WGS 84_UTM_zone_51N_Projection.prj 2. Shapefiles: These shapefiles were used as input to the geometry as Perimeters (2D Areas) and Refinement Regions (Active channel). These are used to slice the DEM into three parts due to computational capacity limit. 1_2D_Area and 1_AC = Upstream, 2_2D_Area and 2_AC = midstream, 3_2D_Area and 3_AC = downstream. 21 items: 2D Areas: 1_2D_Area, 2_2D_Area, 3_2D_Area File Extensions: cpg, dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx 21 items: Active channel: 1_AC, 2_AC, 3_AC File Extensions: cpg, dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx 3. Digital Elevation Models 3 DEMs: Bislak 2019_no_structures, Bislak_2019_removed_structure, Bislak_2019_with_structures File extensions: (.tif, .tfw, .tif.aux.xml, .tif.xml, .xml) 4. Geometry This includes the 2D area and refinement regions plus the boundaries (inlet and outlet). Due to computational capacity limit, the study reach was split into 3. Split01: Bislak_ND_2019.g01 Split02: Bislak_ND_2019.g02 Split03: Bislak_ND_2019.g03 5. Unsteady flow data 6. Plans for the simulations using 3 DEMs. 1) With structures (WS); 2) No structures (NS); 3) one removed structure (RS). WS and NS simulations were done in 3 splits using steady flow across five return periods while WS and RS structures were done on Split 1 only using unsteady flow hydrograph across five return periods.3. Geometry files: B. HEC-RAS Outputs: =================== 1. Depth With structures (WS) for 5 year, 10 year, 25 year, 50 year and 100 year File name:Bislak_2019__depth_WS File extensions:(.tif, .tfw, .tif.aux.xml, .tif.xml) No structures (NS) for 5 year, 10 year, 25 year, 50 year and 100 year File name: Bislak_2019__depth_NS File extensions:(.tif, .tfw, .tif.aux.xml, .tif.xml, tif.ovr) 2. Velocity difference: File name: Bislak_2019__velocity_WSminusNS File extensions: (.tif, .tfw, .tif.aux.xml, .tif.xml) C. Geomorphic Change Detection (GCD): ===================================== DEM of difference between 2019 and 2020 Raster: GCD_Reach File extensions: (.tif, .tfw, .tif.aux.xml, .tif.ovr, .tif.xml)