This repository contains all the instances generated and used for the simulations in
. The file formats for these are detailed at There are two experiments worth of data in this repository. The first, corresponding to all files starting with "All_centres_run_internal_first", correspond to the scenario where each transplant centre runs their own internal matching process first, and "Five_coalitions_run_internal_first" where each of the four larger transplant centres runs their own internal matching process first, while all remaining transplant centres form one coalition and run their own matching process. There are 25 runs for each experiment, the run number is given as part of the file name. The maximum cycle and chain lengths are also detailed in the file name, as is the proportion of non-directed donors (ndd_proportion). Lastly, each instance either includes "orig_instance", in which case the instance contains all donors and recipients, or includes "small_instance_X_name" in which case X is a number indexing the sub-instances, as well as a name for a sub-instance. For instance, "small_instance_9_Essen" is the 9th small instance, corresponding to a transplant centre in Essen.