# Simulation results for Simulation of Photonic Crystal Enhanced Ge-on-Si Single Photon Avalanche Diode Performance for Operation at 1550 nm This dataset contains TCAD and optical simulations for analysis of Ge-on-Si photonic crystal enhanced single photon avalanche diodes, optimised for 1550 nm wavelengths. Further data and/or help with these files is available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. **Corresponding Author:** Ross W. Millar (Ross.Millar@Glasgow.ac.uk) ## TCAD Data TCAD data is generated using Synopsys Sentaurus S-2021.06-SP1. The subset of simulation results required to recreate findings has been included with the fields: - Electric Field - Conduction Band Energy - Valence Band Energy - Electron Quasi-Fermi Energy - Hole Quasi-Fermi Energy Data for a range of relevant reverse bias steps is included around breakdown for each device structure used in the findings. Each step takes the form: - `contacts.json` - `boundary`* - `regions.csv`: List of material regions and interfaces - `vertices.csv` - `elements.csv` - `_vertexIndices.csv` (One file per region) - `_elementIndices.csv` (One file per region) - `grid` - `regions.csv` - `vertices.csv` - `elements.csv` - `faces.csv`* - `_vertexIndices.csv` (One file per region) - `_elementIndices.csv` (One file per region) - `datasets` - `datasets.csv` - `electricField.csv` - `conductionBandEnergy.csv` - `valenceBandEnergy.csv` - `eQuasiFermiEnergy.csv` - `hQuasiFermiEnergy.csv` *3D simulation only The `grid` data contains the mesh, while the `boundary` provides the outline in the case of a 3D mesh. Meshes are defined by a list of vertices as well as a list of elements. Elements define edges, triangles, and tetrahedron that make up a mesh. These are specified by a number to define the element type, followed by the corresponding vertex indices: - 0: Point (1 vertex) - 1: Line (2 vertices) - 2: Triangle (3 vertices) - 5: Tetrahedron (4 vertices) - 10: Polyhedron (3xN vertices for N faces) ## Optical Data Optical data is generated using Lumerical FDTD 3D Electromagnetic Simulator. - `Optimisation` - `GePC` - `abs_nm_nm_nm.csv` - `aSiPC` - `abs_nm_nm_nm.csv` - `Reference` - `abs_nm.csv` Absorption spectra is given for varying PC pitch, radius, and etch depth for both the Ge-etched (`GePC`) and aSi designs (`aSiPC`). Data is also given for the ARC design optimisation as the `Reference` dataset. - `Absorption` - `grid_.json` - `abs_` - `slice_.json` (One for each z value) For each design the simulation mesh is given in `grid_.json`, with x, y, z, and wavelengths. Absorption data is split into z slices within `abs_`, and only contains that at 1550 nm. Each slice contains the values in the xy plane. ## Loading data Data requires a custom written loader (not provided). All files use either `json` or `csv`.