Associated Data for Direct observation of subunit rotation during DNA strand exchange by serine recombinases Authors: Gillian Cadden, Jan-Gero Schloetel, Grant McKenzie, Martin R. Boocock, Steven W. Magennis and W. Marshall Stark 1. MFD -SPC files of samples and controls 2. TIRF - Selected time traces ############################################### MFD files include correlation, SET, Rh110-thick, Rh101-thick, buffer, and sample of each sample -Correlation shows FCS data -SET shows details of setup of the Becker and Hickl cards -Rh110-thick shows decay of Rh110 thick solution -Rh101-thick shows decay of Rh101 thick solution -Buffer shows SPC files for the buffer -Sample shows SPC files for the sample ################################################ MFD comprises 13 folders, named according to the sample and the experimental conditions. ################################################ TIRF comprises 8 files, named according to the sample.