This workbook is separated into sheets representing each psalm versification written by Thomas Norton (1532–1584) and John Marckant (d. in or before 1586) that appeared in the Whole booke of psalmes (1562) and the Residue of the psalmes (1562). These are set in parallel with other anglophone translations of the Bible and Psalms that were available when the two were working on their psalm verses. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Methodology The text from the Whole booke was first set with each couplet occupying a single cell. After that, each potential source text was added, dividing and aligning the source as it best fits the psalm versification. When phrase content did not clearly align or where signfiicant portions were presented in different orders, a new row so that the phrase order of the versification was preserved. The spellings in the sources were replicated in this transcription, with the exceptions of most brevigraphs. There are two significant exceptions: (1) Amperands (&) have been preserved throughout; (2) Many brevigraphs have been preserved in the transcription of the Zwingli psalter because this transcription comes from the EEBO/TCP project (see reference below). _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sources (Column labels are provided first, with the full source citation immediately underneath) Joye 1544 (Bucer) Martin Bucer, The Psalter of Dauid in english truly translated out of Latyn euery psalme hauynge his argument before [STC 2374], trans. George Joye (London, 1544?). Joye 1534 (Zwingli) Ulrich Zwingli, Dauids Psalter, diligently and faithfully translated by George Ioye, with breif arguments before euery Psalme, declaringe the effecte therof [STC 2372], trans. George Joye (Antwerp, 1534; Ann Arbor: Text Creation Partnership, 2011),;c=eebo2;g=eebogroup;rgn=STC+number;view=toc;xc=1;q1=2372. Coverdale Bible 1535 Miles Coverdale (ed.), Biblia [STC 2063] (Cologne?, 1535). Coverdale Psalter 1549 Miles Coverdale (ed.), The psalter or psalmes of Dauid, after the translation of the great Byble, poynted as it shall be sayed or song in Churches [STC 2376] (London, 1549). Whole Booke 1562 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre [STC 2430]. London, 1562. Geneva Bible 1560 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated According to the Ebrue and Greke, and Conferred with the Best Translations in Divers Langages. With Moste Profitable Annotations upon All the Hard Places, and Other Things of Great Importance as May Appeare in the Epistle to the Reader [STC 2093] Geneva, 1560.