The data and analysis code for the paper "Transmission of quantum secured images". It includes all the aquired images and MATLAB analysis code. The data is camera images aquired from the Andor iStar camera in FITS format. The standard naming format is "Gate_*d_*d.fits" where the first value is the LED-level (usually 0 or 300) which is an arbitary linear value for the background intensity, and the second value is an increasing integer to differentiate images. === Acquisition Data === Data_2023_12_22 An arbitary image is projected and the background level is changed. Used for paper figure 3 for the changing intesnity level. Other images not in the paper are included. The exposure time for each image is 1 second. Data_2024_02_02 The HVDA channel data, where the SET and GET describe which polarisation is transmitted (SET) and which polarisation channel triggers the camera (GET). Used for figure 3 for the HVDA description. The exposure time for each image is 1 second. Data_2024_02_09 The 8x8 data used in figure 4. A large checkerboard is projected and the frames are recorded with and without background light. Set8x8 is the data recored with 100ms exposure with gated exposure. Set8x8_GT is the ground truth data taken without gating. Data_2024_02_21 The 16x16 data used in figure 5. A smaller checkerboard is projected and the frames are recorded with and without background light. Set16x16 is the data recored with 100ms exposure with gated exposure. Set16x16_GT is the ground truth data taken without gating. === Analysis code === The analysis code processes the data. All code is written in MATLAB and tested with version 2023a. The scripts (probably) use the Image Analysis toolbox. They all contain the folders the data are stored in. The path to the data will need to be changed, but otherwise should run without change. ChangingBackgroundFigure.m Used for figure 3 PolarisationChannelFigure.m Used for figure 2 ImageAnalysis8x8.m Used for figure 4 GroundTruthImage8x8.m ImageAnalysis16x16.m Used for figure 5 GroundTruthImage16x16.m