The R codes available here are used to generate results reported in ÒSlowing down the tidal flood wave is key to estuarine flood risk reductionÓ by Octria A. Prasojo, Richard Williams, Larissa A. Naylor, Jaime L. Toney and Martin D. Hurst. Inside the folder, there are five R codes namely, n.R, Lb.R, Lh.R, b0.R and h0.R. The names refer to variables used in the sensitivity analyses mentioned in the main manuscript and its figures with n refers to bed roughness represented as ManningÕs n value, Lb refers to width convergence, Lh refers to depth convergence, b0 and h0 refer to estuary mouth width and depth, respectively. The codes should be used in conjunction with Table_S1.xlsx included in the main text as the code will continuously use information from this table to generate result. In running this code, the authors used RStudio Version 2023.09.1+494, older/newer RStudio version should make no difference in running the code and producing the results. Each code needs specific libraries mentioned in the beginning of the code to be installed and imported in RStudio. The code will produce a set of .csv files as raw results along with figures. However, creating figures and running the statistical test for the main manuscripts involve aggregating and data wrangling all csv files produced from 50 estuaries in other codes that are not available publicly.