Data information    This data relates to: Exploratory study investigating the social support networks of adults with intellectual disabilities in the context of physical activity, while considering the influence of gender: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.1574 The study was approved in November 2019 by the MVLS ethics committee of the university of Glasgow, but stopped prematurely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Data was collected from three participants. The data here are the digital / pseudonymized data. Hard copies of data collected is stored with Clockwork, as advised by the team at the School of Mental Health and Wellbeing.    **This data is for data preservation and archiving purposes only** Description of included folders  Pseudonymised data folder contains the following: Interviews  * The pseudonymized transcripts of three participants included in the study.   Sociograms  * Digitized versions of the socio grams developed with participants during the interviews. The hard copy original versions of the sociograms have been stored separately through Clockwork.  Feasibility  * Includes a record of recruitment to inform recruitment and retention  Activities and METs – relates to the reported leisure activities and their assigned metabolic equivalent tasks (indicating energy expenditure)    SPSS file including demographic information collected for each participant.  Blank consent forms and information sheets have also been attached in a zip folder. Note: participant numbers include letter “P” to refer to participant, followed by number e.g., P1 = participant 1.