%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Summary of files %%%%%%%%%% The data for Figure 2 is in Fig2.mat The data for Figure 3 is in Fig3.mat The data for Figure 4 linear case is in Fig4_Lin.mat and for the non-linear case in Fig4_NonLin.mat The data for Figure 6 is in Fig6.mat The data for Figure 7 at the 1.1 stiffer daguther vessel in Fig7_k1_1.mat and for the 0.9 strength daguther vessel Fig7_k_0_9.mat The daata for Figure 8 with negative base flow if in Fig8_NegativeBaseFlow.mat, no base flow in Fig8_NoBaseFlow.mat and positive base flow in Fig8_PositiveBaseFlow.mat %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Simulations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ############For Fig 2 and 3 the parameters for the plotting provided are: X_Par position along parent vessel U_All_Par velocity in parent vessel at every position with each of 3 rows representing the 3 time points plotted on the figure A_All_Par area in parent vessel at every position with each of 3 rows representing the 3 time points plotted on the figure M_All_Par Mach number in parent vessel at every position with each of 3 rows representing the 3 time points plotted on the figure A_All_Daug area in parent vessel at every position with each of 3 rows representing the 3 time points plotted on the figure U_All_Daug velocity in parent vessel at every position with each of 3 rows representing the 3 time points plotted on the figure M_All_Daug Mach number in parent vessel at every position with each of 3 rows representing the 3 time points plotted on the figure X_Daug position along daughter vessel Time_Partc time vector for part b of plot Area_Partc Area vector for part b of plot consisting of 5 columns at each of the 5 positions along the vessels in order from start of parent to end of the daughter Additionally the simulation parameters below are included for reference k1 dimensional stiffness in parent vessel k2 dimensional stiffness in daughter vessel k_nondim dimensional stiffness we non-dimensionalise by mod_fir_pow mod_sec_pow mod_const Press_NonDim non-dimensional pressure simulation done at The tube law is determined by gamm*(A^m-A^-n ) and given by parameters mod_fir_pow is m mod_sec_pow is n mod_const is gamma ######## For Fig 6, 7 and 8 A_ref is the reflect amplitude in the parent vessel near the junction A_trans is the transmitted amplitude in the daughter vessel near the junction u_ref is the reflected amplitude in the parent vessel near the junction (if provided) u_trans is the transmitted amplitude in the daughter vessel near the junction (if provided) M_ref is the reflected Mach number near the junction M_trans is the transmitted Mach number near the junction Q_ref is the reflected flux in the daugther vessel (if provided) Q_trans is the transmitted flux in the daugther vessel(if provided) PressAll_NonDim is the non-dimensional input pressure (PressAllNonDim*k_nondim for the dimensional pressure) k_nondim, is the stiffness we non-dimensionalise be (=k1) k1, is the dimensioanl stiffness of the parent vessel k2 is the dimensional stiffness of the daughter vessel The tube law is determined by gamm*(A^m-A^-n ) and given by parameters mod_fir_pow is m mod_sec_pow is n mod_const is gamma %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Linear theory and Secon-order theory %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5 ######## For Fig 6 and Fig 4 For the linear theory Lin_Trans_Area is the transmitted amplitude in the daughter vessel Lin_Trans_Q is the transmitted flux in the daughter vessel Lin_Trans_Mach is the transmitted mach number in the daughter vessel Lin_Ref_Area is the reflect amplitude in the parent vessel Lin_Ref_Q is the reflected flux in the parent vessel Lin_Ref_Mach is the reflect mach number in the parent vessel For the second-order theory equivlanet with "Non_" abreviating variables Non_Lin_Trans_Area is the transmitted amplitude in the daughter vessel Non_Lin_Trans_Q is the transmitted flux in the daughter vessel Non_Lin_Trans_Mach is the transmitted mach number in the daughter vessel Non_Lin_Ref_Area is the reflect amplitude in the parent vessel Non_Lin_Ref_Q is the reflected flux in the parent vessel Non_Lin_Ref_Mach is the reflected mach number in the parent vessel