This HibernationMicroclimatesREADME.txt file was generated on 2023-11-20 by RACHEL FINDLAY-ROBINSON GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Data associated with the research article "Hibernation nest site selection but not overwinter activity is associated with microclimatic conditions in a hibernating mammal". 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Rachel FINDLAY-ROBINSON Institution: University of Glasgow Address: Graduate School, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ Email: / B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Davina HILL Institution: University of Glasgow Address: School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ Email: 3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2020/02/22 - 2021/03/07 4. Geographic location of data collection : Bradfield Woods, Suffolk, England Coed Fron y Wyllt, Denbighshire, Wales 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: People's Trust for Endangered Species funded fieldwork University of Cumbria PhD scholarship funded RFR SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: - Nest site location data not to be made publicly available due to details of locations of sensitive species - Climate data generated with microclimc can be made publicly available 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: ## To update following publication 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: N/A 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: N/A 5. Was data derived from another source? No 6. Recommended citation for this dataset: To be updated following publication DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: nest_locations.csv - Dataset containing a list of locations where dormouse hibernation nest sites were found during fieldwork, and locations of associated paired non-nest sites. daily_vars_final.csv - Dataset containing microclimatic variables summarized to daily mean and standard deviation for each location in nest_locations.csv 2. Relationship between files, if important: Data in daily_vars_final.csv was generated from the microclimc R package using latitude and longitude data from nest_locations.csv 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: ## Update following publication - link to methods section 2. Methods for processing the data: daily_vars_final.csv was generated using the microclimc R package ( 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: R project for statistical computing (R Core Team) was used for analysis R script linked to analysis available on request 4. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Temperature and humidity readings generated as part of daily_vars_final.csv were ground-truthed using temperature and humidity dataloggers to ensure accuracy. 5. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Rachel Findlay-Robinson: Conceptualization, methodology, validation, writing - original draft preparation, writing - review and editing, funding acquisition Davina Hill: Conceptualization, methodology, writing - review and editing, funding acquisition, supervision DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: nest_locations.csv 1. Number of variables: 9 2. Number of cases/rows: 26 3. Variable List: Variable name(s) - description(s) - unit(s) - value location - site where nest was found - NA - bradfield / bontuchel season - whether nest was found in the first or second season of fieldwork - NA - 1 / 2 nestid - indiviudal ID of nest - NA - 1, 2, 3, 4, dmbox228, dmbox30, dmbox28 nest_pair - are values for a nest or paired site - NA - nest / pair loc - physical location of nest - NA - ground / box lat - latitude of nest or paired location - degrees - NA long - longitude of nest or paired location - degrees - NA start - the first date that dataloggers were deployed at the site - DD/MM/YYYY - NA end - the last date that dataloggers collected data at the site - DD/MM/YYYY - NA 4. Missing data codes: No missing data 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: daily_vars_final.csv Microclimatic data generated using the microclimc package, summarized to daily mean and standard deviation 1. Number of variables: 42 2. Number of cases/rows: 2335 3. Variable List: nestid - individual identifier of hibernation nest site or paired location - name - NA date - date for which microclimatic variables are presented - DD/MM/YYYY - NA pres_abs - presence/absence of a dormouse for the given date - NA - 1 (present) or 0 (absent) type - whether a row corresponds to a nest or paired location - NA - nest / pair Tref_mean - the mean temperature measured at reference height (1m above ground) at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA Tref_sd - the standard deviation temperature measured at reference height (1m above ground) at the given location on the given dat - degrees centigrade - NA Tloc_mean - the mean temperature measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA Tloc_sd - the standard deviation of temperature measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA RHref_mean - the mean relative humidity measured at reference height (1m above ground) at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RHref_sd - the standard deviation of relative humidity measured at reference height (1m above ground) at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RHloc_mean - the mean relative humidity measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RHloc_sd - the standard deviation of relative humidity measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RSWloc_mean - the mean relative shortwave radiation measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - W/m2 - NA RSWloc_sd - the standard deviation of relative shortwave radiation measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - W/m2 - NA RLWloc_mean - the mean relative longwave radiation measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - W/m2 - NA RLWloc_sd - the standard deviation of relative longwave radiation measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - W/m2 - NA windspeed_mean - the mean windspeed measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - XXXX windspeed_sd - the standard deviation of windspeed measured at 1cm above ground at the given location on the given date - XXXX D0cm_mean - the mean soil temperature at 0cm depth at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA D0cm_sd - the standard deviation of soil temperature at 0cm depth at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA D2.5cm_mean - the mean soil temperature at 2.5cm depth at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA D2.5cm_sd - the standard deviation of soil temperature at 2.5cm depth at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA D5cm_mean - the mean soil temperature at 5cm depth at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA D5cm_sd - the standard deviation of soil temperature at 5cm depth at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA D10cm_mean - the mean soil temperature at 10cm depth at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA D10cm_sd - the standard deviation of soil temperature at 10cm depth at the given location on the given date - degrees centigrade - NA RH0cm_mean - the mean relative humidity at 0cm depth at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RH0cm_sd - the standard deviation of relative humidity at 0cm depth at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RH2.5cm_mean - the mean relative humidity at 2.5cm depth at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RH2.5cm_sd - the standard deviation of relative humidity at 2.5cm depth at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RH5cm_mean - the mean relative humidity at 5cm depth at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RH5cm_sd - the standard deviation of relative humidity at 5cm depth at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RH10cm_mean - the mean relative humidity at 10cm depth at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA RH10cm_sd - the standard deviation of relative humidity at 10cm depth at the given location on the given date - percentage - NA WC0cm_mean - the mean soil water content at 0cm depth at the given location on the given date - XXXX WC0cm_sd - the standard deviation of soil water content at 0cm depth at the given location on the given date - XXXX WC2.5cm_mean - the mean soil water content at 2.5cm depth at the given location on the given date - XXXX WC2.5cm_sd - the standard deviation of soil water content at 2.5cm depth at the given location on the given date - XXXX WC5cm_mean - the mean soil water content at 5cm depth at the given location on the given date - XXXX WC5cm_sd - the standard deviation of soil water content at 5cm depth at the given location on the given date - XXXX WC10cm_mean - the mean soil water content at 10cm depth at the given location on the given date - XXXX WC10cm_sd - the standard deviation of soil water content at 10cm depth at the given location on the given date - XXXX 4. Missing data codes: No missing data 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA