This folder includes two datasets used for generating statistical analysis results in the article 'Implanted intrathecal drug delivery systems may be associated with improved survival in patients with cancer' published in British Journal of Pain: 1. cancer_pain_anonymised.csv: This data is used to generate Table 1, Figure 2, Table 2, Table 4, and Table 5 2. cancer_pain_time_dependent_anonymised.csv: This data is used to generate Table 3 As these are CSV files, MS Excel or equivalent or a statistical software such as R or SAS will be required to open and view the datasets. ################################################################################### # Data dictionary # # # # # # cancer_pain_anonymised.csv # # 1. ome: morphine equivalent daily dose (MEDD) # # 2. ome_log2: log2(ome) # # 3. adj_count: adjuvant count # # 4. grp4: study group # # 5. subgrp: subgroup within ITDD group # # 6. days_assessment_to_it_start: days from assessment to start of ITDD # # 7. days_it_start_to_discontinue: days from ITDD start to discontinue # # 8. itdd_status: 0 = started ITDD and continued until end of life # # 1 = started and stopped ITDD beofre end of life # # 9. surv_status: survival status, 0 = alive and 1 = died # # # # cancer_pain_time_dependent_anonymised.csv # # 1. IDDS: indicating whether receiving IDDS or not in a time interval # # 2. tstart: start point of a time interval in days from assessment # # 3. tstop: end point of a time interval in days from assessment # ###################################################################################