process-lifetime-datasets.ipynb - Jupyter notebook containing the data analysis for our manuscript - source code for parsing and processing a Flimera raw data file (.H5 format), and reconstructing an image from an astigmatic imaging experiment Kyle-mixed-beads - raw data for the mixed bead dataset (manuscript figure 3). Zip file will be automatically expanded when you run the Jupyter notebook. Daniel-lung-and-beads - raw data for the bead & lung dataset (manuscript figure 2). Zip file will be automatically expanded when you run the Jupyter notebook. Note that for convenience both datasets also contain the FlimJ analysis output (tiled-beads-flimj-lifetimes.tif and bead+lung-flimj-lifetimes.tif). The Jupyter notebook prompts users to generate these files at the appropriate point, but they are included here in case you do not have easy access to FlimJ.