All code produced by Jack Radford School of Physics and Astronomy University of Glasgow Code and data for: "Information Transport and Limits of Optical Imaging in the Highly Diffuse Regime" ### Reproducing Figures Each figure can be run individually without having to first generate data. All the data needed to reproduce the figures in the main text is in the folder "figure_data/" and the data for the supplementary figures is in "Supp_figure_data/" ### Reproducing data generation and calculations The code which generated data from the forward model and code which performed any calculations required to produce the figure is also included but some code has dependancies before executing. If another code must be run prior to the code you're trying to run then there will be a "Requirement" note at the top of the script. The python virtual environment is also included as a .yml file "info_theory_env.yml" and can be installed with Anaconda by going to the "info_theory_code/" folder in Anaconda Prompt and using: "conda env create -f info_theory_env.yml". Activate the environment using: "conda activate info_theory" before running any scripts. *** NOTE: This will not include the MATLAB engine dependancies! *** To get the MATLAB engine required for some of the calculations done in this work, follow these instructions: 1. open a terminal. 2. go to your MATLAB python engine directory (e.g. C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2021a/extern/engines/python) 3. type: "python install"